"How sweet. No pun intended. But I'm good."

"Alright. Good luck on your tutoring!"

"Thank you!"

I've been keeping myself busy lately, which is a good thing because it distracts me from so much that has happened. Helping with the auditions is just one way of keeping me occupied. I am keeping a good track on my studies and I even signed up to be a peer tutor. However, I gave up my Volleyball Club membership. In fact, I refuse to be a part of any sports club, or any club that involves me changing my clothes. 

I shudder as my mind drifts to the memories of that horrid day. Reece and Monica have not been attending college for about two weeks now. Reece is still in the hospital. Since he had a mix of first and second degree burns all over his thighs, he has to spend about three weeks in the hospital. And as for Monica, she got suspended for misbehaving. Rumours have it that, instead of learning her lesson, she flew to Paris to shop. 

I reach my locker to exchange my empty lunchbox with my mathematics book. When I open my locker, a few sheets of paper fall to the floor. Sighing, I stuff my lunchbox into my locker and bend down to pick up the pieces of papers. I skim through the words.








Ever since I skipped college with Damien in front of everyone, my locker has been receiving abusive, and even threatening, notes. I don't know who exactly they are from. But I know it's from more than one person, given that the handwriting on each note is different. It used to be only one or two notes a day, but now I'm getting about ten before lunch.

I fish out my mathematics book, shut my locker and begin to walk towards the mathematics classroom. During my way, I crumple the papers and chuck them into a bin. I haven't told anyone about the notes. I have made everyone worry about me so much. For once, I want to deal with a problem on my own.


"Sign up! Be a part of the end-of-year performance! The plot will be based on Anchor!" William says, distributing leaflets that he and Rachel have designed.

I finish tutoring a little early. I have about fifteen minutes left to support the stall before lunch break ends. Our stall is set up in the corridor, where students are pacing back and forth. Jenny and Rachel are standing behind the stall, William is walking along the corridor, handing leaflets and advertising our club.

An arm snakes across my shoulders, causing me to whip my head to my left. A pair of crystal eyes stare down at me.

"Hey beautiful," Damien greets with a smile.

I return his smile innocently before smacking his arm off of me.

"What brings you here?" I ask him.

"I was bored," he says.

"And you think you'll be entertained here?" I ask, gesturing at the stall.

Unfortunately, not a lot of students are paying much attention to the stall or my friends. Some even refuse to take leaflets from William. It sort of puts my mood down as we had worked so hard, yet we are not making any progress.

"Are you ok?" Damien asks with his eyebrows furrowed, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I guess," I sigh, glancing at him before looking at the dying stall. "It's just... I was optimistic about this."

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