During their long walk to the cafe, one of those moments played out. Jaebum's mind was finally wandering to a different random subject due to their lack of conversation, only to feel a tug on his arm from the side of him. Jinyoung's arm snaked around his own, hooking at the elbows and forcing them to walk a bit closer than they had been. Jaebum was surprised by the sudden closeness, especially since Jinyoung was the one to initiate it. He felt chills run down his spine as Jinyoung's body heat transferred to his own, leaving him with a warm tingle throughout his entire body.

"W-What's this about?" Jaebum asked, gesturing to their arms.

Jinyoung kept his focus forward, shrugging his shoulders. "What's what?"

"The linked arms." Jaebum pointed out.

"Just... I dunno, I felt like it." He mumbled out, glancing over at Jaebum who stared back at him with a smirk. Jinyoung quickly looked forward again, his cheeks coloring themselves a light pink. "Shut up."

"I didn't say anything."

"Still. Shut up."

Jinyoung tried to slip his arm out of Jaebum's in an attempt to undo his actions, but the latter refused to let the angel end what he started in the first place. Jaebum held onto Jinyoung tightly, walking closely with him the entire time until they reached the cafe. He wasn't sure why Jinyoung was acting so touchy and clingy a lot more recently, but not once did he ever complain about it.

They reached the cafe, peering through the large windows as they headed for the front door.

"Are we first?" Jinyoung asked as he squinted for a better view.

Jaebum shook his head. "I see lights on, and the door looks unlocked. Someone's here already."

The two entered the store, the bell above the door alerting whoever was there of their arrival. Jaebum could see a figure rushing from the back, making it out as Yugyeom who often ended up being the first one to open the store.

"Hey guys!" The younger greeted, the pair waving back at him as he approached. He looked between the two, raising a brow in suspicion. "What, are you glued to one another or something?"

They both simultaneously looked down at their hooked arms, quickly trying to pull apart from one another. Their arms got twisted in a confusing tangle which only made the already awkward moment more awkward, but when they were finally free of one another they pretended as if nothing happened.

Yugyeom just chuckled at the two while shaking his head. "You guys are adorable. Really. If you're not dating already just hurry up and do it."

Jaebum scoffed at the younger who walked away giggling. "We discussed this the other day Gyeom, drop it."

"Whatever you say~ I just know a perfect couple when I see it!" Yugyeom called back.

Jaebum sighed, rolling his eyes. "Ignore him. He's usually saying something stupid."

Jinyoung nodded, following Jaebum back to the staff room. "Yeah... stupid..."

The two went in the back and put on their uniforms, preparing themselves for the long work day ahead. Mark came in not long after, helping set up shop. Jinyoung had stopped complaining about his volunteer work a long time ago, and was an avid helper wherever he was needed. He'd gotten on BamBam's good side to the point that their boss favored him and even offered him a permanent position at the cafe. Jinyoung declined considering that he wasn't sure exactly how long he'd be sticking around on earth, which admittedly made Jaebum feel a bit sad. That didn't stop him from helping out though, which Jaebum admired and he was sure everyone else at the cafe was grateful for.

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