New Roads! Chapter 30:

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Chapter 30: the great Orca Dungon, part 7: The belly...

21 D until Tournament.

The nineteenth floor was as could as asnowy mountain in winter. If it weren't for the fur coats and the Spicy Meat Stew we would have caught a cold and died from the thoudands of mobs.

Oh, yes! The mobs! gone were the GTHRHBs, the Salamanders and the White Snackes. instead there was spiders. White Spider taller than man that shot venom, sticky spit and threads.
I didn't really mind those since i could catch and loot them with my tailoring and a weird mix of cooking and herborism.
No, what realy bothered him was that whenever his group killed a femalle spider hundreds of little spiders the size of a hand came out of her stomack and attaccked them.
They had to form a spheric Ki Shield and kill them one by one using Ben's bow. It took a long time and most of their energy to deal with just the mother and each time they battled the babies.
The good new was that because he was the only one killing the lottle spiders he was getting most of te experience. Thanks to that he leveled twice and put all ten points into Vitality.

It took us three days to reach the stairs to the next and last level. Some of the steps were made of ice and were estremely slipery.

18 D until Tournament

A canyon.
A giant canyion the width of Orca city and of a length going from one side of the cave to another. There was no way to pass to the other rift either.
No bridge. Not even one made of old, moldy ropes... How disapointting.

When i looked down to see how deep the canyon i saw a single pillar rising from the darkness. it had the remnant of a rise bridge platform on its front and probably back side.

Must have been how the People who lived here crossed... Doesn't look solid anymore.

I decided not to try opening the bridge and risking for the collumn to break and fall. Especially since on its top was a giant Nest filled with eggs of varrious sizes and collor.

It's my final objective. The Nest. All i have to do now is find a way to cross to and back. Something solid enough to carry me and at least an egg...

While i was thinking i decided to check what was on the rest of this side of the canyon and led the grough on the left until we reached the end of the cave then once back tat the stairs we went right. I noted several mining points but nothing else.
So i started mining.
Two days went by as i emptied one source after another. One of the Orcs could smelt so i made him turn the Ores into ingots to lighten the load.
On the third day he asked me why i was mining.

"It helps me concentrate."
"I thought you were planing on repearing the bridge. Hurk"
"Its a possibility..."
"Its really brocken down trough."

I had already considered it but the idea seemed impossible.
By the fifth day we had emptied all mining spots and a large amount of ingots were stacked close to the stairs.

13D until Tournament

When i ligged back in after sleeping i found myself on the stairs with the orcs and our bags. Apparenttly they had carried me there in my sleep.

"What happened?"
"Water brocke through the places you mined. Hurk. Its filling the canyon little by little since you fell asleep."
"Is everyone alright?"
"What about our things?"
"All there."

I went down a few steps but a strong water flow stopped me from reaching the exit..

If it had floaded the stairs then the canyon is filled! This is it! This is the way to get to the nest!

I returned to the Orcs and started taking of my clothes, leaving only my trousers and tree empty sachels with me. Using the Whith Aracnide's Silk Thread i made a loop tha i put across my chest and gave the end to the Orcs.

"This is the plan. I dive, reach the other side, swimm to the nest and fill the bags with eggs then come back the same way. If you fell that i struggle, pull. Got it?"

The orcs posted themselves close to the waters and i took a step in. It was freezing. Acting before i could change my mind i stepped further in until i had no choice but to dive.
Following the stair walls with my hand and the roof with the right i used my feet to swim.

[Because of the cold water you have caught a cold.
If you do not warm yourself your condition will worsen.
Dexterity -5%
Maximum Vitality -5%]

Ignoring the message i kept going. I felt the current chnge and knew i had reached the exit so i started swiming upwards. At some point my head hit a thick layer of ice.

The surface's frozen!!

[you have entered Hypotherma.
If you do not warm ypurself you will die.
Dexterity -20%
Strength -20%
Maximum Vitality -50%]
[you are out of oxigen.
If you do not breath in you will loose counciousness and die.]


I lost a couple of seconds hitting the ice but then used a Spinning Bullet to beack through. Inlifted myself out of the water, pulling the sachels filled with cold water with me.
I empited them and started looking around me while rubbing my arms and legs to get warth back in.

The cave floor was now a flat ice cover with a sigle irregularity: the Nest.
Somehow ot had Floated to the surface when the canyon was over-flooded.

I started walking towards it when the rope became tense. Looking back i realised it was now struck in the ice that had frozen again so i took it off and kept walking.

[you no longer are in Hypothermia
However your cold has gotten worse.
Dexterity -10%
Maximum Vitality -10%]

I kept walking towards the nest not carring. The nest was made of large branches and small twigs . it took me a while to climb over it but it managed.

The interior wwas filled with black and red egs the size of my head, green austrudge sized coocoons and snow white chickensezed eggs. I stole a frw of each, putting them in my bags.
I was about to grab another red egg when sothing shone at the center of the nest.

Seven hand sized eggs of a different collor each were resting on a cussion of feathers.

Gold, Silver, Onix, Safire, Ruby, emerald and Topaze.

They shone like jawels in my eyes. My hand reached on its own and i tuched one of them. It was warm.
Exited i lifted it from the nest.
From under it i felt more than heard a click! then the cave started to shake.
A bad feeling creaped over me so i grabed the other eggs and put them in a sachel together before i started to run. The shacking was getting worse as i praticaly jumped out of the nest. By the time i could see the thread rope several portions of the ceiling exploded, in its stead geezers of steaming hot water fell on the ice, breacking and melting it quickly.
What hapens next???
Hundreds of thanks for ReyLord's systematic coments and votes!
See you next chapter!

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