New Roads! Chapter 29

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A/n: the pic is a joke. its the closest thing to the Mini-Boss i could find.
Arhg!! Spoiler!
I need to find someone for the pics...
Any advices?

Chapter 29: the great Orca Dungon, part 6: Underneith the City

Going through the Thirteenth and fourteenth floors was quite easy.
Whith the guidance of my Escort, i was able to take the shortest route to the next stairs.
I passed to the Fifteenth floor on the evening of the second day. The reason why it took so long was because i had insisted on disposing of the mobs on my own.
The fast and easily frightened large insects present in the 13th floor (the same one i had eaten for dinner in Orca) were trapped by a Ki shaped net before having their head twisted, the poisonous red lizards of the 14th level had a sturdy layer of scales and i had to hit them with Ki shapes Spinning Bullets. From them i got meat, chitrine shells, slales, mendibules and teeth.
I was expecting the loot to be good armor material.

The fifteen floor was smightly cooler and was fille with human sised Preying-Mantis and small skeletal birds. i took all my time to hunt those as they gave large scycle like blades and high quality feathers.
In the end i spend the same time in this floor than i did in the two above. Combined.

28 D until Tournament.

The sixtieth floor was filled with bears.
Large fury bears that charged anyone they saw.Attacking with their paws and teeth.
Using Spinning Bullets and Ki walls i killed them from afar.
The amout of pelts i looted was quite substantial...

As we went down to the 17th floor, the air got colder.
Here the Bears were thrice my size and dog sized Salamenders would spit fire at me from behing rocks.
It took longer to deal with them and he Orcs had to give me advices about the Salamenders.
Their scales were so thick that not even my Spinning Bullets could do anything and their fire went through my shields unstoped. The trick was to turn them outdide douwn usind Ki and to cut the soft scales of their belly.
I spent another day in this floor, pretendind to train for stronger adversaries when i was just looking for loot. The result was several Large Bear Furrs and Hard Warm Scales and a few Soft Warm Scales.

26 D until Tournament.
I was sitting at an internet cafe close to the city center, waiting for the person who had answered my editing add.

Sipping on my coffe i wondered how to abord the subject of identity confidentiality with a total stranger.

Before that let's see if they have any skills...

My plan was simple: using one of the local laptop i would connect to my Royal Road account and transfer a day of training with Elia, and demand to see what he or she would do with it. If they were good i would then entrust them with the rest of the footage.

Since i had received the quest Ally of the Kingdom more than 3 month had gone by, in the meantime i founded and spread Centiped's fame, had undergone eleven different lessons at the Training Hall, including the one from the training master, had signed up for most of the Grand Tournaments competitions, explored the Grand Orca Dungon and Discovered the truth about the Orcs...
It amounted to a lot of footage. Since Ally of the Kingdom, the Orc situation, Elia's Final Trial and the tournament was'nt over he was left with the gruesome training back in Fridol.

I was still thinking when a soft voice interupted me. Since for the last weeks i had only heard the Rough nasal voices of Orcs i thought it was my immagination but the tall softly curved blonde beauty that was looking at me with curiosity comfirmed that it was not.

"Are you the one who posted an add for a Video Technisian at the xX University?"
"I am. You must be Natanielle. Please sit down."

She sat opposite from me and commanded a cappuchino. And i ruddly starred at her.

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