New Roads! Chapter 18.5

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Chapter 18.5: and here comes the Oomukade

Oomukade: creature from the Japanese folcklore. A giant centepede insect vith the, normal sized, upper body of a human that feeds on people.

A small chapter about how Ben's newly founded guild influences the game's equilibrium and system.


The morning after Ben officially formed the Centiped Guild, Fridol was subject to several changes.

the most noticable one was the numerous caravans and their escorts readying in front of all three city gates.They were crowded with merchants and carts looking for players and NPCs to escort them, most of them had the Centiped symbol in the form of a circling centepede insect floating above their head and name.

the second change was the symbol itself. In the streets of Fridol, players with a centepede floating above their head suddenly appeared everywhere. More people, those that were observant, noticed the same symbol on quest posted on information boards or painted stealthly into several shops facades.

When players asked them about the symbol, Centiped members would say that it was the emblem of a new guild whose activities concentrated on transporting and escorting merchants and their goods throughout Braeen.

Curious ones decided to join the caravans and, as the expedition went through the Kingdom, would decide to join the Guild when they learned of its philosophy (no matter the job you have and your level you are valuable and wanted!), its working system (artisanal and artistic development were not forgotten and instead put to use to stengthen the Guild's power) and its structure (the numerous properties, prospects and trading routes that formed the economical backbone of the Guild and the outposts and safe houses that made it strong and defendable).

Those who had decided to observe the guild from afar in Fridol could only notice the high number of people working for the Guild, they saw carts of goods with the centepede simbol painted one them come in and out of the Capital at regular interval and were amazed by the number of quests set by the Guild all over town.

in time they found the guild Head-Quarters, a large inn/tavern/coffee/bar with a small trading center. One by one they succombed to curiosity and visited the place at least once.

Every player present in Fridol regularly saw the Guild emblem floating above someones head or a quest issued by the Centiped Guild on a massage board. As a result, Centiped was one of the most talked subjects on the web.

Especialy when people noticed the name of its founder.


BlueFire was one of the players that Trickster had scouted.

Her avatar was a small female human with a level 36 Fire Combat Mage. She was generally dressed in a long red garb with shoulder and breast plates protection. On her hips a canteen, journal and sharp Hunting Knife hung next to her Large Sturdy Sachel.

Her main weapon was a Long Polished Iron Staff with magic runes, cercles and incantations engraved on it.

Since she had been in the middle of a quest, BlueFire couldn't go to Fridol to assemble with the rest of the members. She had received the automatic New Members message and had become a Rank 1 member and was wearing her Centiped Brass Ring with pride.

It had now been two ingame days since the foundation of the Centiped Guild and her exitment had somewhat lessened as she traveled with a group of players to a small settlement close to the dungon they planed to gring in.

Upon their arrival, they decided to all rent a room at the local inn, when it was her turn, the clerc rented her a room for half price, when she asked why she was instructed to carefully look at the inn's sign board.

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