Chapter 30

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It's time for the finale!!!!!!!! So get ready!!!!!
It's exactly 2 years since Amanda kinda died.

Amanda PoV:
I slipped on my shiny white heels, as Alesha placed the wedding vale over my head. Today is the day I marry Simon Cowell, the man I love and the one who saved me.

"Your breath taking Mandy!" Alesha squealed with excitement. I giggled quietly and turned around to look at myself in the mirror, my hairs curled and it flows down to my shoulders, my wedding dress is amazing and I already know that today is the best day of my life.

"It's time!!!!" Jenifer (Aniston) announced as she came running in with a bouquet of roses. She passed them to Alesha and the rest of the bridesmaids. I took a deep breath as I walked out of the girls room, and Alesha led my to the wedding hall. I was took behind big doors and when they opened the wedding was going to start.

"I'm so excited!!" Alesha smiled, I smiled back to her and all of the sudden the doors opened, and Dec began to play the piano. As I walked down the aisle I began to think about the first time i got that phone call from Simon about BGT.

I rushed into the kitchen because I could here my phone ringing. As I entered I seen that the call was from a man called Simon Cowell, I answered it and a calming deep voiced man began talking.

"Hello?" He said. "Is this Amanda Holden?"

"Umm yes it is!" I answered.

"I was wondering if you wanted to be a judge on the new show called Britain's Got Talent?"

I stood there in shock because I never thought I would get asked, but I definitely didn't hesitate.

"Oh my god yes! I would love too!" I shrieked through the phone.

"Haha alright" he laughed. "Meet me tomorrow for coffee?

"Yes of course, see you then."

"By love." He said and the call ended.

~End of flashback~

That was the first time he ever called me love, and after that, there was many more to come.

Simon PoV:
The bright red and golden doors span open and there stood a gorgeous Amanda Holden. I smiled happily as she walked down the aisle, and after 12 years I'm finally getting what I've wanted. When she reached me, I lifted the vale of, of her face and she had I massive smile. I winked at her and David began reading the script.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the joyous reunion of Simon and Amanda, May the happiness the have today be with them always. Now Amanda, repeat after me."
"I Amanda, take me Simon, to be my husband through sickness and health till death parts us."

As Amanda said those words I spotted a little tear slide down her cheek, I wiped them away and said 'I do'.

"Now Simey, repeat after me: 'I Simon, take me Amanda, to be me wife through sickness and health till death parts us."

"Of course i do Simon."

"You May now kiss the bride!!!!" David screamed.

I pulled Amanda into me and our lips touched one another, our friends and family cheered and for once our lives were perfect. Music began playing as we linked hands and walked down the aisle together, I heard Alesha balling her eyes out and Stephen cheering. I giggled quietly as Amanda looked up at me, I picked her up and span her around. She laughed as I ticked her.

"Simon." She said as I placed her down.

"Yes darling?" I replied.

"I promise I'll never leave you again." She began crying because I knew what she was referring too.

"And i promise I'll never EVER leave you." I hugged her tight and stroked her hair.

"I love you Simon."

"I love you more."

Alesha PoV:
After the ceremony, we all headed to the ball room for a dance, Amanda slipped into a more sensible dress and everyone cheered for there first dance. Me and David created a video for them to the song called 'Perfect' so we could play it as they danced.

Amanda took her shoes off and her and Simon ran onto the dance floor. "Hit the music!" I yelled and everyone took a seat to watch. We watched them dance and it was the most beautiful thing I've seen, Simon looks so happy and so does Amanda. I'm so proud of them coming this far, and they never gave up when it was hard.

"There so beautiful, aren't they?" A voice said behind me. I turned around and there stood Louie Walsh.

"Yes they are." I said a bit confused, I didn't know Louie was invited.

"The last time I seen Simon that happy was when he was with Cheryl."

I felt an urge of anger boil inside of me because Simon was happy when he and Amanda got together, and lately everyone keeps bringing up Cheryl!

"No, I think he's more happy now." I smiled and walked away. I heard him mumbling about something but I couldn't make out what, I ignored it anyway because Simanda finished dancing.

"That was beautiful!" I said running up to them. They smiled into each other's eyes, and for the rest of the night, we all danced, gave speeches and ate.

"Simanda rules!!" David cheered, I could already tell he was a bit drunk 😂. I laughed to myself and just watched how happy my bestie is, I hope she and Simon have happiness for ever now, and nothing bad will EVER happen again!

Unknown PoV:
Simanda are now happily married, well not for long! You must me wondering who I am if this isn't Cheryl speaking, let's just say I have popped up in this book and I will again In the next.

I work for Cheryl, and where going to build a team to bring down Simanda once and for all, but how are we going to do that? Well you'll see, and this time... know one is safe! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha!!!

                               The end!
Well that's the end!!! Hope you enjoyed this book, I've really loved writing it and thanks for all the lovely support! I really appreciate it.

The sequel is coming soon, so for now you'll have to live with this cliffhanger!..... sorry.

Love u all ♥️♥️♥️

Xoxoxo Ella.

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