Chapter 14

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Alesha PoV:
We ran through the airport as fast as we could, up until security. The paparazzi followed us and I knew we were going to be all over the news. David got stopped as we were going through security because he left a drinks bottle in his suitcase, classic David. After some convincing they let us through and then we headed straight to the ticker stand. "3 tickets to South Africa please." Simon asked. The last gave us 3 tickets and said the plane is leaving in 5 minutes. Shoot! We all looked at each other and ran to the plane. The paparazzi kept trying to stop us and as us questions like "we're are you going?" But we ignored and carried on going. Luckily we made it onto the plane in time, we gave the flight attendants our tickets and took out seats. The paparazzi tried to get onto the plane but they luckily got stopped.

As the plane took off I asked the boys what's the plan for why we arrive. "Well we just need to get to the Wild At Heart set and reveal everything to Amanda, then take her home." David answered as he stared out the window. "Okay sounds good but what if Cheryl is there?" Simon said. "Oh yeah good point." "Well we'll just hope she isn't." I said trying to get into a positive mood. Once we discussed our plans I got myself ready for the long plane ride. I switched on the plane tv and the first thing I spotted was that we're all over the news! "Guys look at this!" I said. They all moved closer and we watched to see what they had do say about us. It's basically just saying that we seem suspicious and that where up to something bad, by the looks on our faces. We just hoped that know one on the plane watched the news.
It turns out that we weren't the only ones looking at the news, the whole plane was! Everyone noticed that we're here so they all turned around and bombarded us with questions. We wasn't one bit hesitated, she we ignored them, but boy was that hard.

"I bet there stealing things." One man said as he snapped pictures of us.

"I think there just going to visit Amanda Holden, haven't you heard about her leaving?" A young girl told everyone.

"Well is it?" An old woman shouted.

We all looked at each other not knowing what to say. Do we tell them the truth or make up something?

"What do we do?" I whispered to Simon and David as the whole plane stared at us.

"If you don't tell us the truth, I'll call the police on you." Another woman screamed.

"Do we tell them?" David asked looking confused.

We all nodded in agreement and announced everything to everyone.

"Guys you can't tell anyone, and I mean anyone. Amanda's in great danger so we've gone to save her." Simon revealed.

The whole plane gasped and fell silent. We took our seats and for the rest of the flight nobody spoke. Luckily no one else asked anyone questions.

10 hours later~

Simon PoV:
The plane landed and outside was pitch black but warm. We grabbed out bags and headed outside to catch a cab. One pulled up so we told the woman where we want to go and she drove us there. "So why are you going to Wild At Heart then?" The woman asked looking suspicious. "To see a friend." Alesha replied. The woman didn't say anything, she just carried on driving. "So what's your name?" David asked, as he stared out the window. "Umm jud- Julie." She answered. "Jud- Julie." I mumbled. That's doesn't seem suspicious at all. I was starting to get the feeling that we're not safe, I bet Cheryl was in the driving seat.

Simon: So do you know Cheryl Cole Jud- Julie?

Alesha: (whispers) So What are you doing?

Jud- Julie: Umm yes, your I mean, I'm very close to her.

David: Okay.

This is definitely Cheryl, it's so easy to tell. But now we're in dander. Even though I'm sat right next to Alesha and David I did want, well maybe Cheryl, to hear me, so I sent out messages saying that, Jud- Julie is Cheryl. When we wasn't looking Jud- Julie looked through the driver mirror and she could see everything I typed. She took us down a different road that was being replaced. "Umm what are you doing?" I demanded. She gave us a wink and the next thing we know we all passed out...

I knew Simon could tell that it was me, he really must love me! But I don't want them saving Amanda so I injured them. I took them down a road that's being replaced and crashed the car. They all passed out so I left them there and headed straight to the WAH ( this stands for Wild At Heart set) set.

David PoV:
I woke up with a sore head and not in the cab. I sat up in pain and looked around, I noticed that we're in the middle of nowhere. I stood up and walked over to Simon and Alesha. There both cut like me, and passed out. I tried waking them up but that didn't work. After about half an hour they both woke up. "What happened?" Alesha enquired. "We were in a car crash, and Cheryl was the driver." Simon explained. We should of known it was her, and now we don't know where she's gone.
I helped the guys up and we continued to walk, Simon sort of knew where we were which was good. After about half a mile we came across a sign saying 'filming ahead', "we must be getting close." Alesha said. We continued down a path and eventually came to the set.

Amanda PoV:
I finished filming for today and I was so thankful, everybody is still acting weird. I grabbed all my stuff and ran for the hotel, as I was running I could of sworn I saw Cheryl Cole, "that's weird". I mumbled u set my breath. I kept in running until I heard a familiar voice call my name.
"Amanda! Amanda! Wait up!" It was Alesha's voice. What are they doing here? I turned around and not only was Alesha there, but so was Simon and David. "Oh my god guys! What are you doing here?" I asked excitedly. The looked around and then came closer to me. It was like they were checking if no one was around. "Amanda, we need to talk like now!" David said panicked and out of breath. "Is there somewhere private we can go?" Simon asked. I nodded my head and said my hotel room. They agreed and I took them there.

"I still can't believe your hear!" I said again, I pulled them all in for a hug. After I finished they didn't look to happy, well Simon did put not a lot. "Guys, what's wrong?" I asked a bit more concerned. They all looked at me.

David: Mandy please sit down.

I took a seat and waited for them to tell me what ever it was.

Simon: Your in danger, terrible danger.

I thought they Where joking so I giggled, "why would you say that?" They looked at me concerned.

Alesha: Amanda you know Judy, she's actually Cheryl Cole and she set you up. Your in danger.

Amanda: What are saying.

Simon: We need to protect you.

Amanda: I'm confused.

David: Cheryl is trying to hurt you, and we don't know why.

It took them a long time to explain everything but, but after a while it all made sense. I knew Judy seemed familiar but I had no idea it was. Cheryl! Should I reveal everything to the guys? Cheryl can't get me out here, although I swore I seen her but probably not. I asked the guys to go out for a lunch so I can tell them, they said yes so we got ready.

Simanda Conversation:

Amanda: Si, you didn't have to come out here and worn me you know.

Simon: I know, but I wanted to, I love you.

Amanda: I love you too Si.

Cheryl PoV:
So Simon, David and Alesha did the wrong thing and told Amanda everything, and now Amanda's doing the wrong thing and revealing everything too. Aww there like the perfect friends aren't they. Well everything is about to change soon, I'm slowly counting down the days until things get a little bit fiery... not long now! Hahahahahahaha!
                            To be continued...
Hello everyone! I'm incredibly sorry that I didn't update yesterday, I was really busy. So in return I made this chapter extra long. Sorry if I update all over the place, I write one chapter every day so that's why.

Anyway! How did you like this chapter? I loved writing the little Simanda part in this! So when do you think the dramatic thing will happen. You'll probably hate me for it but....

So until next time, my lovely readers! Which will definitely be tomorrow.

Xoxoxox Ella.

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