Chapter 22

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The day after Amanda's funeral~

Nurse PoV:
Something happened yesterday.... and it was really strange, I've never seen anything like it. I can't tell you what happened because it ended up failing. But before I tell you the story let's travel back a couple of days.

So... the day after Amanda died Alesha was talking to her like she was still here, and as I watched it I knew Amanda could hear her. I've been doing some research over these past couple of days, and I found out that when you die all of your senses go at different times, and in the early stages of your passing, hearing is the last thing that's goes, so.....

Anyway, so I heard that the cause of Amanda's death was that she got burnt to death by Cheryl Cole. But something very strange happened yesterday..... and this is what it was. So after everyone left to go to Amanda's funeral, me and some other nurses decided that it's time to cremate Amanda's body. We untied her from all the wires and machines, lifted her up and brought her into a different room. As we placed her onto a new bed her arm moved.... and when I say this, I literally mean her arm moved by its self. Non, and I mean non of the doctors touched her, so I began having second thoughts that maybe Amanda is still alive.

After this happened I did some tests to see if there was any signs that she's still alive, but all of them came back negative. We didn't cremate her body straight away just in case she actually is alive, we left it for a while but nothing more happened. I was pretty sure that Amanda is dead so I decided that it's time, right before we was about to start the cremate process Cheryl Cole came rushing through the door, with handcuffs on around her hands. "Stop right there!" She yelled. I tried to get her out but she said she has a better idea, I considered it so I sat down and let her talk. After Cheryl finished, she said that she can bring Amanda back to life by doing a spell, I agreed so Cheryl began her spell. Nothing happened and Amanda stayed dead. "I'm so so so sorry!" Cheryl screamed, after her spell didn't work. I felt so bad for her, but why?

So after Cheryl left I told everyone that I'm not getting Amanda's body cremated, if she moved once it could happen again. If we did do the process and Amanda was still alive, then.... it would of been me who killed her, not Cheryl.

Right then that's what happened last night. Because I told to cancel the cremate process, I put Amanda in a coma, that's what some people do when people die, so I did it. I'm still so so so confused about why Cheryl wanted to help Amanda, I mean she killed her? Didn't she? I have a gut feeling about this, and I'm pretty sure it's a bad one. What if Cheryl tries to do something to Amanda, if she does I'll stop her. But I'm still in shock that Mandy moved, is she alive or dead?....

                          To be continued...
Well hello there everyone! So I know this chapter is shorter than usual but it's a big twist. I left a lot of suspicious things in this chapter.... so comment your thoughts!

What do you think will happen next? Is Amanda still alive? Or is she dead?

I have some great ideas due the next upcoming chapters and I'm so so so sorry to say, that I've nearly finished this book 😰. I would say that theres about 9 to 10 chapters left.

Well I'll update tomorrow now! So until next time!

Xoxoxo Ella.

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