Chapter 5

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Amanda PoV:
I arrived at the BGT studio a lot earlier than everyone, because I needed some time to prepare myself of what I'm going to say. I'm most likely going to be faced with questions on why I wasn't here yesterday, so I'll just say don't worry about it.
As I waited for everyone to arrive, I got changed into my outfit and Christian done my hair and makeup. Once he finished i made my way to the judges room. I opened the door and Simon was sat there, I totally forgot that he likes to co early too. Before I could turn back around he noticed me and called me over to him. "Hey Mandy." He said on a calm voice. "Hi Si!" I replied back. I sat down next to him and we just talked for a while. Surprisingly he didn't at all mention anything about yesterday, which is good.
After about 20 minutes everyone arrived. They all came rushing over to me and Alesha kept asking me about yesterday. "Amanda! I was so worried about you yesterday, where were you?"
"Umm I was busy, but don't worry about it." I said to try and sound like there's nothing wrong. To me it didn't seem like she was to convinced, but she got the idea and she stopped asking questions.
I was the only one ready so everyone went to get changed, but before they did I told them to wait. "Guys can you stay here a second?" I asked Alesha, Simon, David, Ant and Dec. "Of course!" Dec did happily. They all took a seat and I began talking. "Are you all free tomorrow?" I said looking down at the floor. "We are?" Simon replied looking confused. "Can you come over my hotel room tomorrow after the auditions? I need to tell you something really important." Everyone went silent but David broke it by saying 'We can come.' I let out a sigh of relief and everyone went to get ready.

Alesha PoV:
I wonder what Amanda needs to tell us? Apparently it's really important, what could it be? At the moment I don't care, I'm just glad that my best friend is okay. As I was getting my makeup done my phone went crazy, and I mean crazy. My makeup artist Joanne, stopped doing my makeup so I could see what was going on. My instagram follows were going absolutely crazy over a news story, about Amanda and Wild At Heart? Wait what!?
I was so confused so I kept reading. It says that there are rumours going around about Amanda leaving BGT and going back to Wild At Heart. This can't be true! Is this why Amanda needs to talk to us? I don't know.
I stopped worrying and finished getting ready.

Once I was finished we all headed backstage so we could start the day 3 of the auditions . I was so excited for today, I just felt like it was going to be great! Ant and Dec did there bit and we sat down at the panel all eager to start.
On came a young girl with beautiful long blond hair like Amanda. "Hello, what's your name?" Simon asked. "Beau Dermott." "And are you nervous?" "Yes" she replied. Beau said she's going to be singing defying gravity. I heard Amanda shout yes, she likes that song. "That's a hard song." Mandy said to Simon.
She began singing, she's sound like an angel! I could tell Amanda loved it, Beau got to the second verse and Amanda shouted 'oh my god!' . The crowd was cheering and going mad, she's amazing!
Beau finished the song and literally everyone was shocked and screaming push the golden buzzer. Unexpectedly Amazing stood up and pressed it. Amanda wiped away a tear and ran up to give Beau a hug. "That was amazing!" She told Beau's mother.
After all the excitement was over Beau went to celebrate and we congratulated Amanda. "That's your golden girl!" Simon told her as he pulled her in for a hug. Amanda looks the most happy she has been all day. I'm glad

Skip the rest of the auditions~

Simon PoV:
The auditions are finally over, and for the rest of the day Amanda was happy. We went into the judges room to grab our stuff and David asked Amanda what time to be over her hotel room. "Umm about 8?" She asked. "That's fine." Stephen said happily. OMG! I totally forgot about that. I wonder what it's about? Amanda's happiness slowly disappeared as she left to go home. I wonder if what she wants to tell us is really that bad. It can't be, can it?

I drove back to the hotel, and I caught Amanda walking into her room. I was going to ask her, well tell her something but I didn't. When do i tell her how I feel? I think I'll do it tonight.
I had a quick shower and got dressed. I put on a fresh white top and blue jeans, the usual. I checked the time, it was half 7, before I go to Amanda's room I ran out to the shop to get her some flowers. I chose her favourite, roses. I payed for them and when I arrived back it was time to go over. I knocked on the door and my love of my life opened the door looking stunning...
To be continued...
Hello everyone! I'm so so so so so sorry that I haven't been updating, I was really busy but the best chapter will be up at around 8:00pm Wales time.
So I hope you enjoyed this chapter, how do you think everyone will react to Amanda's, well Judy's decision? Read the new part later to find out! Until then!
Xoxoxoxo Ella.

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