Chapter 4

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Simon PoV:
I arrived back at the hotel at around half 10. I chucked my bag on the floor and collapsed onto my bed. I let out a worried sigh, and just began to think why Amanda wasn't at the auditions. I've tried calling her a million times but there was no answer. Before I came to my room I checked to see if she was in her room but she wasn't. Somebody else was...

After about 10 minutes of lying down I decided to get up and take my night shower. I grabbed a towel and turned the shower onto a cold setting. I couldn't stop thinking about why Amanda wasn't at the auditions or were she is now. I remember knocking at her door with no answer. This is what happened.

I knocked on Amanda's door, there was no answer. I knocked again for a good 5 minutes and still know answer. I knocked again and when I'd did, her door opened. No one was watching so I quickly and quietly stepped in. Inside her room was dark the windows were shut tight and all the lights were off, well all of them except the bathroom. I walked closer and inside I could see someone, it definitely wasn't Amanda but I was scared. All of a sudden I heard a familiar laugh and the strange person was about to come out. I had to get out of there so I quickly ran, and, I accidentally knocked over a lamp but I got out just in time.

End of flashback~

So that's what happened. I stepped out of the cold shower and put on my pyjamas. I switched on the tv and relaxed. Well it didn't last long. I couldn't stay calm!  I'm worrying about Amanda to much, so I texted Alesha non- stop for ages.

Alesha PoV:
The minute I got to my hotel room I fell asleep, but about half an hour I was woken by my phone being spammed by someone. It was Simon. I answered him and he said that he's so worried about Mandy. I am too but i tried to calm him down. I told him to go to sleep and I'll sort it. So after I finished texting Simon I messaged Amanda. She didn't answer at first but after 6 minutes she did. When I was asking her questions, she didn't reply how she normally does, to me it felt like she was getting mad. Something must be up.
I knew David was awake so I messaged him telling him what has happened. He's normally good when thinks like this happen, so I asked if he could see what's bothering her. He told me that he'll text her now. Once we finished our conversation I went to sleep, and I made sure David texted me the minute he found out what's wrong.

Amanda PoV:
I knew everyone could tell I was acting weird over messages but I didn't know what to say, and half the time Judy kept stealing my phone. Everyone is worried about me and to be honest I'm worried about me too, me going back to Wild At Heart is literally freaking me out. 1 I have to film in South Africa, 2 I'll have to move away for a while, 3 I won't be able to do BGT, 4 I'll miss my friends and 5 Simon will never know how I actually feel about him.

Judy is forcing me to tell everybody that I'm leaving tomorrow, so I'm going to invite them for dinner and then I'll break the news. I'm so scared! What is they all hate me? One of the things that is bugging me is that, I feel like Judy is hiding something from me, but what is it?

Judy PoV:
I nearly got caught by Simey earlier but he ran away. Aww my soon to be boyfriend is scared of me. So the annoying 'I have a crush on my boss', Amanda will be gone, and I can finally do what needs to be done. Hahaha. Also I'll be reviling myself soon so, Amanda better watch out! Heheheheheh
Hello! Sorry for not updating yesterday I was so tired because I couldn't sleep. It's soooo hot! At the moment in Wales we're having a heat wave so...
Enough about me!

So hope you enjoyed this chapter! What do you think will happen next?, and can I just say soon there's going to be a MASSIVE Simanda moment soon! YAY!
Leave a comment on what you think will happen and I can definitely promise you that I'll update tomorrow! Bye for now.

Xoxoxo Ella ☀️

My Distraction- Someone I Loved Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora