Though, what had happened that morning wasn't too weird. All men sometimes have nice dreams and wake up with a little friend in their pants. Jaebum was only surprised that angels had those same happenings considering how seemingly pure they were. But if humans were truly designed after them, then surely they have their own moments of longing and desire.

Jaebum thought briefly of what Jinyoung could've been dreaming about that got him so excited. He didn't linger on the thought too long, since really it wasn't any of his business, but it was probably safe to assume that he had some girl or guy back in Heaven that he was romantically involved with, so the dream was probably about them.

Jaebum just decided to brush it off, moving on with his morning as he got out of bed to make some breakfast. Jinyoung still hadn't emerged from the bathroom, most likely hiding and wallowing in embarrassment.  Jinyoung seemed to be the type to take things way too harshly sometimes, so Jaebum figured it would take him some time to get over what happened. It wasn't until a bit later on when Jaebum was in the middle of fixing breakfast that he heard the soft padding of feet behind him. He spun around with a bowl and spoon in his hand to Jinyoung on the other side of the tiny island counter he had in the middle of his kitchen, the angel leaning forward on the granite surface with his eyes focused on anything but Jaebum.

"I'm really sorry..." he suddenly muttered out, his finger drawing circles against the shiny granite.

Jaebum frowned as he stirred the mixture of eggs and seasoning in the bowl, giving Jinyoung a puzzled look. "What? For what?"

"E-Earlier..." the other mumbled, staring down at the counter as his cheeks held onto that light red hue.

Jaebum had already forgotten about the whole morning wood incident while cooking. Sure it stuck in his mind for a little while afterwards, but it wasn't a big deal to him. "Oh Jinyoung I'm not even worried about it, it's fine."

Jinyoung frowned, seeming put off by Jaebum's mild reaction. "You're not revolted by me?"

"No? It happens to all of us." Jaebum replied. He briefly turned around to pour the egg he'd been beating into the sizzling pan waiting to turn it into a fluffy omelette. "And unlike you, I don't hate you, so I can forgive you easily."

"I don't hate you." Jinyoung retorted, speaking faster than he realized he was and immediately stammering over his next words. "I-I mean, like, I still hate humans and stuff, but I guess I'm growing to tolerate you."

"I see." Jaebum wore a small smile, finding himself fond of Jinyoung's denials. He refused to admit a lot of things due to pride, which only made it funner to tease him. "So, had a nice dream last night I suppose."

Jinyoung turned away to avoid showing off his pink face as Jaebum returned to the counter with a pan that now held a fully cooked omelette. "Shut up. It's not your business."

"I didn't ask. Just an observation." Jaebum replied.

"Don't tease me." Jinyoung whined.

Jaebum shrugged as he took out some utensils, splitting the omelette amongst himself and Jinyoung, then sliding Jinyoung's serving across the counter to him. "Just curious about what angels dream about. Seems like you'd only have pure dreams considering the whole pure outlook."

Jinyoung glanced back, his eyes locking on the sight of food. "Angels have sexual desires, just not a frequently as humans have. Most would be satisfied with a sexual endeavor twice a year, while some humans can't go without sex for even a week. It's disgusting."

"Twice a year though? I can't even do that." Jaebum stated with the quick shake of his head. He couldn't imagine living without indulging in pleasure for more than a month, and just comparing that to 6 months make him feel somewhat filthy next to Jinyoung. Not that the angel didn't already think of him that way.

And Jinyoung was one to openly voice such thoughts as well. "Well, you're disgusting."

"Says the one who woke up with a boner." Jaebum threw back.

"I said don't tease me!" Jinyoung groaned, reaching over to shove Jaebum's shoulder. "Being on Earth is weird for me, I don't usually wake up like that... my hormones are fucked or something."

"Maybe you just need to blow off steam. Find someone to fuck." Jaebum shrugged.

Jinyoung scoffed, disgust coloring his face from the suggestion. "Is that all it takes for you guys? Just asking around for sex until you get it?"

"No, there's multiple ways to do it. Just depends on what you want." Jaebum answered. He set his utensil down, resting his head in his hand as he stared across at Jinyoung. "Firstly, what are you into?"

"What I'm into?"

"Girls, guys?"

"I don't care." Jinyoung answered, though he took one glance at Jaebum before immediately backtracking on the statement. "M-Maybe leaning a bit more towards males though..."

"Okay, so there are plenty of gay bars and strip clubs. I'm sure you can find someone there." Jaebum offered.

Jinyoung cocked his head as he shoved some omelette in his mouth. "What are those?"

"Gay bars and strip clubs?" Jaebum asked, receiving a nod from the other. He let out a sigh, feeling a bit dirty for bringing the subject up since compared to him, Jinyoung was incredibly innocent. "Oh boy, I didn't think you'd be so clueless."

"You humans have gotten out of control, I've lost track of the countless things you've created down here." Jinyoung complained.

Jaebum shrugged in response, not knowing what to say to that. "Well... do you want me to show you a strip club then?"

The two barely went out together anyway, Jaebum figured that one day he should take Jinyoung out just to have fun rather than keep him cooped up in his apartment all day. It was a perfect day to do so; with no work and ample time to spend together, why not show his foreign guest all of what Earth had to offer?

Jinyoung frowned at the suggestion, initially hesitant to indulge in something he knew too little about. "It sounds dangerous."

Jaebum gave him a smile, throwing in a wink just to ease his nerves. "It's not, trust me. It's the weekend, let's go have fun."

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