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pretty graphic description of physical abuse 

panic attacks (i've never experienced one but i've seen people suffer from some, so details might be off, i'm sorry in advance)


Mars was upset that Wooyoung skipped his appointment, but that was okay. Maybe he was getting second thoughts about it. Being a kid from a family that shunned tattoos or any body modifications... he understood that it was pretty risky in the first place to even be friends with a tattoo artist for Wooyoung.

When the baker didn't pick up any of Seonghwa's calls later in the day, he began to grow anxious. He called after every other appointment, seeing if he could get a hold of him.
He was glad that he had a full day of customers piling in and out like packed ice, as it distracted him from his active worried state. But being busy with tattoos can only do so much for him.

By the time Wooyoung came by, it was 10:30pm. Two hours after they closed.

The knock on the front door sent Mingi flying off the futon onto the floor, smacking his head on one of the pillows he had thrown minutes beforehand.

Seonghwa paused the horror movie they were watching, helping Mingi back onto the bed before figuring out who was there.

When he saw it was his best friend, he froze. Through the tinted glass in the middle of the night, he could see that his face was red, and his eyes were puffy. Had he been crying?

Seonghwa quickly unlocked the door and lead him inside, having him sit on the chair in the waiting room while he fetched him something to drink.

Mingi sat by him, comforting him as Wooyoung, though they hadn't even spoken a word to each other, burst into tears once more, sobbing into Mingi's shoulder.

Something bad had happened. He was definitely right to have his suspicions.
But he wasn't happy that he was right.

Seeing the happy virus who had basically forcefully installed himself into Mars' life wailing loudly as if he had lost someone dear to him... it was horrible to witness.

Seonghwa returned with three bottles of water and a granola bar for him, setting them on the coffee table in front of him before finding his seat across from Wooyoung.

He watched tentatively as his friend went from wailing to sniffling after what felt like an hour, patiently waiting until he was ready to speak to someone.

Wooyoung snatched another tissue out of the box he was given, blowing his nose before sighing with a shaky voice. "I should've told you, Mars. I should've told you what happened when I was here."

Seonghwa crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair. "What happened?"

"I haven't been telling the truth to you. About my family."

"I know, Wooyoung."

He paused. "You know what?"

Seonghwa grabbed his water bottle, taking a long sip before closing the lid and tossing it on the table again. "Your dad. He's not as perfect as he seems. Am I right?"

Wooyoung's eyes widened, but he just glanced down at his scraped up hands, nodding slowly. "He's been abusing me since I was little."

Shit. I was right. No. No...

"When I was younger, it was just verbal abuse. But recently, it's gotten a lot worse."

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