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I just realized the last chapter said sixteen instead of fifteen i'm--

Also I'm sorry that this took so long I lost all motivation. -K


Seonghwa didn't work that following day. That entire day he was feeling a little fatigued, like he was coming down with a cold or the flu.

He drove home, and sure enough the next morning he had just enough energy to call in and tell Mingi he couldn't make it.

Anko was curled up on his chest, her fur shifting when Seonghwa breathed. Seonghwa rested his hand on his forehead, feeling the calm heat from his fever rise into his palm.

"Yunho?" Mars' voice was hoarse.

The dancer seemed out of breath when he picked up the phone. "Hwa? What's up buddy?"

"Can you do me a favor? Can you drop by Wooyoung's and get me some soup?" Anko hopped off his chest and began nuzzling his cheek softly.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Just... under the weather. Might've caught whatever's going around." Seonghwa said, giving his cat a small scratch behind her ear. "I can't do my daily round with him. I want you to make sure he's doing okay."

"Sure thing. I'm busy with one of my regulars, though so it may be a bit." Yunho admitted.

Seonghwa heard the slight ruffling of fabric as if Yunho was holding his phone to his chest to hide a conversation he was having. Suddenly, a loud laugh erupted from him, startling Seonghwa.

"You talking to that chick you admire still?"

Seonghwa could visualize Yunho turning red. "Yeah."

"Ask her out already, you pussy."

"N-No, I can't do that today, sorry to disappoint you. That's too... far." Yunho stammered, trying to play off as if he wasn't just told to ask his client on a date.

"Puuussy. PUUUUUSSY." Seonghwa sang, stopping abruptly to cough.

"Alright alright, that's enough."

Mars repeated his teasing until Yunho had enough. He hung up on him.

Just as Yunho texted him a bit after the call assuring him that he'd get the soup, Mingi's ringtone sounded through the empty apartment.

"Someone's here to see you." Mingi whispered.

"Mingi. I'm sick, remember?"

"It's the fucking strawberry. He wanted to talk to you."

Seonghwa blinked. "Continue."

"He literally didn't tell me anything else. He just smirked at me like the little demon spawn he is."

Mars grunted. "Sounds interesting." He lost himself in thought for a moment, and then bit his lip. "Give him my number for me."

Mingi choked. "What?!"

"You heard me. Give him my damn number so he can stop coming around to bother you. I know he's obnoxious."

"But, Hwa, I wouldn't let you go through that hell yourself! This is fine."

"Mingiiii. Just do what I say, okay? I may regret it later but I'm sick and I got nothing better to do." Seonghwa grumbled.

He could hear Mingi muttering things under his breath, but he decided to not comment on it.

"Anything else you want to ruin your life with?"

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