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"What do you mean I don't have the job?"

San felt angry tears sting his cheeks as he roared into his phone.

All week he had been awaiting this fucking phone call. He should've known it was for nothing. Ha, how could it have worked out? Nothing works out for him.

"Look, San, I understand you're upset-"

"No, you fucking don't. Do you know how it is to work at a bar full of people who want to get in your pants? Thirsty gay men wanting a kid like me to please them. They'll do anything to get their way, and I cannot keep going through that, man!"

"I know, I know, and I'm sorry, but my boss found another person to fill the slot before I could recommend you to him. There's nothing I can do." He said, obviously trying to be sincere.

San couldn't do it. He could care less. This was his last way out. The path he needed for freedom. And now that way was closed.

"Unbelievable." San growled.

"I'm really sorry, bro."

"Don't call me that." San grit through his teeth before hanging up on him.

He had escaped going to classes once again, though he was sure this was his last available absence before they would kick him out of the course.

Whatever. Fuck becoming a business major like his dad wanted. He wasn't going to last long if things kept going like this.

He wrestled with his cigarette pack before pulling one out, rolling it within his fingers before tossing it in his mouth.

It was a fairly cold day for the middle of March, and San watched as his breath became a cloud, before flying away with the wind.

His hands gripped at the metal tracks below him, the rust and steel digging into his skin with fury.

Here he was, on his precious train tracks, contemplating life. Sure, he was young, but he was a fuck up.

Ever since he was younger, he hasn't been able to please anyone. His parents hate that he is an average student with no drive towards his education. At first, he did try, but he gave up after he realized nothing would be enough for them.

His boss was his third cousin or some shit like that, so he was hired into the club he worked at at 16.

He was a busboy then, but his work never was enough for him. When he got promoted to a trainee bartender when he turned 18, he thought that his work was getting better, but his cousin actually wanted to find a job San wouldn't suck at (Now he's stuck because he's the only bartender at the club).

Beginning to work at a primarily gay club/bar at 16 was hard enough, but constantly having older men stare him down was uncomfortable.

All San did was wipe down tables and wash dishes. What was so attractive about that?

He was first... taken advantage of about five months in. A drunk customer of his caught him off guard in the back when he was cleaning...

San clawed at his eyes, forcing himself to focus on something else. Pain worked, but only for the time being.

His parents never really cared about his feelings, and only want him to become a successful businessman. If it's not related to anything like that, forget it.

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