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Seonghwa finally was able to turn off the open sign once Mingi's last appointment fled into the night. Both of them sighed deeply, Seonghwa throwing himself on the futon, running his hands through his hair.

"Busy day for this time of year." Mingi stated, tugging at his ear lobe. He and Seonghwa had been busy ever since Yunho visited, and once Yeosang left, he gained about ten more customers than he would've had on a normal day. For some reason, Yeosang somehow brought more business in whenever he hung out with the two of them, and although Mingi was grateful, he got tired of socializing after a while. "The Yeosang effect never fails to happen."

Seonghwa shrugged. "You gotta admit, whatever he does helps with the house budget, doesn't it?"

Mingi nodded, walking to the fridge and pulling out a can of beer. The can hissed as he cracked it open and took a long sip before settling down beside Seonghwa. "I really hope I can get out of here soon. I'm sorry that I've been slacking, hyung."

Seonghwa shook his head. "It's fine. Take all the time you need to get the money. I'm just glad to help you out." He said, unbuttoning his sleeves and top button of his shirt. Finally, he got to relax.

"What did I do to you for you to be so kind to someone like me?" Mingi asked, wrapping his arm around Seonghwa's shoulder, pulling him closer.

Though Seonghwa isn't a big fan of all the touchy feely, he knew Mingi appreciated it and so he let him. "You just reminded me of someone who I once knew. I wanted to help out someone I knew was in need."

Mingi's expression told him he was about to start tearing up, so he wanted to change the subject. He patted Mingi's hand, prying it off before standing up. "Do you want anything to eat? I'll pay."

"I can grab myself something. I don't want to bother you for anything."

Mars rolled his eyes. "Mingi. It wasn't really an offer I'm going to allow you to shut down. What do you want?"

Mingi's eyes were glossy, and he looked down at his lap. "Ramyun?"

Seonghwa wasn't surprised. This man pretty much lives on ramen. Sighing, he pulls up a number of a Japanese restaurant across town, and orders some takeout ramyun for the both of them. "Okay, should be here soon."

"Thank you." Mingi croaked, his nails circling the rim of the can in his hand.

"Mhm," Seonghwa replied, strolling over to the TV they had set up in front of the shop, showcasing his handiwork in a slideshow. He tilted the screen over so it was visible on the futon, and plugged in the work laptop he had sitting idly by. He set on some random music playlist he had saved on youtube, just so the empty environment they were in was filled with some sort of noise other than themselves breathing.

He grabbed his own drink from the fridge, and then tossed himself into the dark leather seat they had invested in a few months ago. It deflated beneath him, but the man was so tired that he didn't really care. It was comfortable enough for him to sit there and fall asleep.

"What did you want to talk about?"

Seonghwa took a drink of his beer, settling more straight in the chair, before placing his can in front of him on the coffee table. "Those bruises of yours."

Mingi's small smile he was wearing faded. "They're nothing, don't worry about it."

"Who'd you fight this time? Was it the same guy you were having trouble with?"

The younger didn't seem comfortable with responding, but the subtle shift in his seat gave it all away.

"What were you doing out there? I thought I told you you needed to stay away."

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