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Daniel sat there in awe, he was in awe. Hybrids were a rare sight, he thought they were all extinct after the government destroyed them. He stared in the same spot for what seemed like 4 days. He didn't even notice that Corbyn was standing in front of him. but he was acting different. He seemed weary and nervous. Daniel could see a bruise starting to form on his cheek.

"H-h-heres's t-the check" Corbyn stuttered out trying not to look Danial in the eyes, afraid he might start to cry. His cheek felt like it was on fire.

"Thank y-" Daniel tried to spit out but Corbyn was gone.

'Something's wrong with him' Daniel thought, he hoped he didn't upset him or make him feel awkward.

Daniel continued to sit at the booth for a couple of minutes hoping Corbyn would come back and say everything was ok but he never came back.

Daniel sighed mumbling curse words under his breath, trying not to be loud since the café had a lot of people this morning and he didn't want to upset the older lady he was sitting next to. After all she seemed nice.

He got up from the chairs not before putting a tip on the table for Corbyn, Daniel enjoyed their talk and Corbyn even if he didn't know it helped Daniel with trying to figure out what he wanted in a partner.

Daniel was on his way to the door, about 5 steps from the exit unti he heard a yelp from the backroom that made he stop.

Little Dog Boy D.S  C.B  ⚠️Discontinued⚠️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang