Canine Café

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Daniel starred up at the sky, the stars seemed to be missing only above him. The boy on his lap fast asleep. The only thought he had in his mind was.....How am I gonna go on tour now?

Daniel is sitting quietly in the coffee shop, at his favorite booth. The rainbow color seat looked just like a collage. All the seats look like this but he seem to always walk to this one, he never knew why, maybe it was because he was confused about what he wanted in a partner.

He looked down at his pants, playing with the threads ripping them off leaving holes but he didn't care he liked ripped jeans. He heard someone stop at his booth and looked up. The most beautiful boy Danial has even seen.

He blonde hair and magnificent green orbs. Daniel knew he shouldn't stare any longer but couldn't stop, he was in this trance. Suddenly the boy spoke up, blush spread across his face, maybe he felt it to?

"Here's your ice coffee" the blonde boy said, his angelic voice speaking up to form words but you could hear hesitation.

"Thank you Corbyn?" Daniel says reading the blondes name tag. He didn't seem to notice it before.

"Yeah, Yeah Corbyn that's my name" Corbyn says he seems to scold himself under his breath, Danny smiles telling the boy his name is unique and he likes it. Corbyn blushes and goes to say something else when a loud voice booms through the establishment calling Corbin's name. Corbyn scurries off not noticing some of his ear fluff poking out off his green SnapBack.

Little Dog Boy D.S  C.B  ⚠️Discontinued⚠️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin