Chapter 4: Hatred Is Always A Good Start.

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Long Wei chuckled. Ah indeed he had been blessed to be married to such a bride. Even after seeing his handy work with the thief she refuses to comply to his orders. Indeed what a brilliant idea it was to get married. Looking into her eyes he could tell she wasn't as happy as he was. Her shallow breaths and protective domineer conformed that. Long Wei lazily smiled at her knowing that it would infuriate her even more. He could not help it, after all it was her made that her more appetising..

ZiXin could see the desire in the man's eyes clearly. And that lazy smile infuriated her however she saw the bait; he wanted her to lose her temper, show her how much effect he could have on her.

Not this time. She lazily smiled back. Feeling a satisfaction when a flash of surprise passed his eyes. This time she would play him.

Long Wei was surprisingly pleased when he saw his bride smiling back at him. It could fool anyone thinking they were now in good terms but those eyes, those burning eyes told him of the hatred she possessed for him.

"Good" he thought for hatred was always a good foundation for anything. One could forget love but forgetting hate was not an option.

ZiXin slowly walked passed him, still that lazy smile on her face. It took everything in her not hurt him.

She picked her fallen robes wearing it halfway. Taking the belt in her hand she launched at him, tying the belt around his neck.

Finally. She makes her move. Long Wei smiles tearing the thick belt with bare hands.

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