Chapter 9: The Dragon and The Goddess

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Word had spread. The emperor had brought back a woman from the mountains. The emperor picking up girls was nothing new, what did cause a ripple was, that the emperor had decided to make this unknown woman the mother of the nation. 

The announcement was made merely four days ago, yet many storytellers had started sharing their narratives in the tea houses. 

Some claiming the woman, a spirit bound to doom the nation.

While others claimed, she is a goddess here to bless the dragon protecting the empire. 

Many mouths contain many versions; however, one thing was constant. The Emperor was right to repay kindness with gratitude. 

No matter what the citizen's view of the matter, in their eyes the Emperor became a benevolent ruler. 

At noon on such a Tea House, many patrons were drinking and listening to the story of the Emperor and the fairy.

Many of the Shao Ye's cheerfully enjoyed the drinks and the snacks while the storyteller vividly described the scene the fairy sucked the poison from out of the Emperor's body. 

On the second floor of the tea house, a man heard on, sharply.The wine in his cup spilling slightly due to his anger. 

"That lazy emperor actually dares betray benwang's sister." And the cup shattered. 

In the palace halls, many burned with jealousy. The emperor had been personally looking after that woman. It was said that the Emperor was so infatuated with her that he even refused to leave her side to go to the morning assembly. 

What may seem doting to one can also be torture another. 

Zi Xin was still unable to fully move her limbs and speaking had become a challenge. The food offered to her was bland and the medicine bitter. Six days had passed since she opened her eyes. Six days....

"Yenay." It was that shameless man. The Emperor.

"Zhen hears, Yenay was poisoned." He playfully asks, sitting down on a chair beside the bed.

Zi Xin did not have enough energy to reply so she quietly suffered.

Long Wei with a glass jar in his hand kept tossing it in the air. The games had begun. It was reported to him that Yenay had been poisoned three days earlier. The consequences were her losing the ability to absorb nutrition. She had attracted a tiger's stare. However, one poison can contradict other. What the poison actually achieved was to decrease Yenay's recovery time. 

It appears that the perpetrators have strong ambitions but not motivation. To only attempt to poison only once in six days, The rabbit has three burrows. 

Long Wei smiled. He cheerfully feeds the medicine to the mostly limb Yenay.   

"If Zhen were to fill the burrows with wet clay, how long till the rabbit appears, can you wonder Yenay."

Zi Xin could hardly grasp what this man was sprouting; knowing from his habit of talking to "Yenay", it would appear he does not require her participation. 

"To force out the dragon at the bottom of the lake by dirting the water." 

Both Long Wei and Zi Xin looked at the figure striding into the chamber.

"Feng Mien." With that Long Wei returned all of his attention back to feeding Yenay.

Feng Mien did not need further invitation.

"Strike first to demonstrate strength." 

Long Wei's lips hooked up and his hands feeding Yenay paused for a moment before continuing to feed her. 

"The Adviser wants Zhen to aggregate the perpetrators?"

"Is not curbing the power in the back palace what the Emperor desires."

Long Wei sharply looked up.

"To know what Zhen wants, it would seem the Advisor does not have many days left in power."

"Then this Advisor shall write a letter that relieves this Advisor of this Advisor's post."

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