Chapter 28

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When we woke up the day after, no one still asked about what had occurred the night before. I knew that, at some point, I will have to tell them, though. I'm just very thankful that none of them are pushing me for information.

Jace and I was the one who woke up first and we took it upon ourselves to prepare breakfast for everyone. Amanda followed soon after and then Rachel.

The two had set the table while Jace and I finished preparing the meal and, soon, we were all seated on Jace's table with only the sound of utensils clattering against our plates the only thing we could hear.

No one was in a rush and it was like an unspoken agreement that none of us will be going to school today.

I guess we should inform the others.

I made a mental note as I finished putting the last bit of make up on and waiting for the others at the living room.

As soon as I had sent the text message to Ethan, Michael, and Sandy, Rachel appeared from the 2nd floor and plopped down next to me.

We still haven't spoken; Rachel just gave me a knowing look before engulfing me in a comforting hug. A relieved sigh had left my lips as I returned the hug. We soon felt another pair of arms joining us in the hug, and then another.

I felt myself become filled with comfort and hug from the three people and I swore I would've broken down right then and there, but I had to contain myself because this is the right opportunity for me to finally tell them what I had found out from the hospital last night.

When we pulled away, it was like they knew what I had thought of because they sat near me and looked at me, patiently waiting for the things that I have to say.

After taking a deep breath, I had released to them the information that I was able to gather last night.

When I was finished, Amanda was choking on her sobs while Jace and Rachel were deemed speechless.

"I need to call my father" Amanda was the first to speak as she got up from the couch and walked into the next room to call Mr. Moore.

Jace, Rachel and I looked at each other hesitantly, non-verbally asking one another if we should go after Amanda.

"We should probably give her some space" Rachel suggested; Jace and I were quick to agree with a nod.

"Still no reply from Austin?" I asked and I could hear the amount of desperation that's laced in my voice. I expected the two to shake their heads, but it didn't stop the disappointment from seeping inside me.

We then suddenly heard Amanda shouting from the next room and all of us were tempted to check up on her, but decided against it. We sat waiting anxiously until we saw Amanda emerge once again, although she looked rather stressed.

"Did he say anything?" Jace was the one to ask, but I feel like we already knew the answer based on Amanda's facial expression.

"No, he didn't" we all frowned in defeat, Rachel releasing a disappointed sigh.

Amanda then suddenly said that she had to go home, so she bade us goodbye and quickly left. We were bothered by the abruptness of her departure, but none of us questioned it.

"What should we do now?" Jace asked, his voice sounded small and hopeless.

"I don't think there's anything we can do anymore" Rachel said, voicing out my fear.

She's right, though. We had spent so much time to look for Austin, but we would still always end up on a dead-end.

"I guess we just have to hope and believe that Austin is fine, wherever he is, and that he will soon return to us"

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