Chapter 20

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When I returned to my two Jasmines', I was immediately forgiven by the little one when I presented the ice cream to her. Fortunately, it wasn't as melted as I thought because the little one couldn't wait to devour the whole thing. When she was seated back on the floor, she then presented to me the drawing she and the other Jasmine had made while I was gone. I could easily distinguish which was drawn by whom, the big Jasmine isn't that talented when it comes to drawing, but she knows about it. Little Jasmine's drawing skills had improved to, so I promised her that I will give her drawing materials the next time I dropped by.

As expected, Little Jasmine got sugar rush after eating half of the pint of ice cream, so we had some physical games in the living room. Little Jasmine is on my shoulder as we try to run away from the other Jasmine. None of us could stop giggling from our silliness and it's really a nice break from everything, especially from work. I don't know how Johnson could put up with so much people sucking up to him, not to mention the arrogant grey-haired people that act like they were the ones that discovered the cure to cancer or world hunger. They just act so damn entitled to everything and it's infuriating as hell.

When 6:30 came, Jasmine announced that she should start preparing our dinner and the little one was eager to offer her assistance. I helped Little Jasmine cut some veggies to make sure that she won't cut herself and the Jasmine assisted her into adding the ingredients into the pan so they could start cooking.

When 7:00 came, Jasmine is almost finished preparing dinner, so I excused myself so I could get some clothes for Mary. I already told her everything that has happened and she's really understanding about it all.

I'm glad she is.

It would take so much time if I have to drive back to Johnson's house to borrow some clothes from Amanda, so I decided to just drop by at the mall again and get a couple of clothes and toiletries for Mary.

When I was at the mall, there were some people that went to me and asked why I was shopping in the women's department and it was getting quite troublesome to repeatedly tell them that I'm getting it for a friend that I contemplated recording my voice and just let the next person who asks hear it. Of course I didn't. There was also a group of girls that asked for my picture and, although I really don't like the camera still, I had to agree to them because I couldn't really say no.

Plus, Austin wouldn't tell them no. I still don't understand why it's such a big deal for them to see Austin, though. I mean, yeah he has such good looks, but people act like he's such a big person who achieved such great thing, but he's just a high school guy.

When I was paying for Mary's clothes, the woman at the cash register was giving me this weird look and smile, but I just ignored her. As soon as I got Mary some toiletries, I got out of the mall. I don't think I could put up with girls asking for pictures anymore. I also didn't know what toiletries Mary needs, so I just got pretty much everything that I saw Amanda use, which is a lot.

Mary was the one that answered the door when I knocked on Jace's door; apparently Jace's parents are on a business trip. When I gave her the bag of clothes and toiletries, Mary surprised me with a big hug.

"Oh my, thank you!" she then looked inside the bag and I saw her eyebrows get knit together. "I thought you said you'll just get some from Amanda's clothes?" she asked. "I was going to, but then I realized that it will take so much time to go back home to get some of Amanda's clothes than just going to the mall and buy you some. I wouldn't mind doing that but I only have half an hour before I should get back to work" I frowned a little, I really don't like the fact that lying is becoming easier for me to do.

It makes me feel guilty.

"And you spent that to get clothes for me?" I just nodded at her question and, before I could even blink, Mary has her arms wrapped around me again in a tight hug. "Thank you" her voice was muffled by my clothes, but I still understood her. I placed my hand at the small of her back as a way of returning the hug until she moved away.

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