Chapter 43

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After our visit at Austin's grave, things had been relatively... lighter. Not only for me, but for everyone. It's kind of like we've got closure, especially for Jace. Things improved after that visit, I can tell that we've all grown closer as a group - and everyone noticed that Alex and I had grown closer, too.

The last person that told me about what they've noticed about Alex and I was Elaine, but I can see how people would look at us whenever we sit next to each other or talk and, if I'm being honest, I'm starting to agree with them.

I try to stop it, though, my feelings, or rather, where my feelings are going. I know it wouldn't end well, especially with all of the things that just happened.

It's clear that Alex still hasn't gotten over Jasmine, I could still hear her whisper her name in her sleep.

Yes, we sometimes still sleep together and, even though it's hard to believe, Alex will be the one to ask for it. She said she always sleeps better with me beside her. I may have fallen for her a little bit more when she said that, I just can't resist the innocence that she was wearing when she would ask me to stay, not to mention that she would ask unabashed even if the others were still around.

Have I mentioned how good it feels to be in her arms?

What pains me, though, is the fact that she always act like it's a normal thing for us to be cuddling. It's somewhat a relief for me to see that I'm the only one that she's like that with - she always gets awkward when others, like Rachel and Sandy, hug her.

I still don't want to think too much about it in fear that I'll just get hurt in the end. I know I would.


Alex still refused to go back to school, she would always use the business Johnson had left as an excuse. 

"There's just so much to do right now"  she would always say when Jace would ask when she would go back to school. I never had the courage to ask her.

So, when it was the championships of our soccer team, we were all surprised when Alex suddenly appeared after all the members were called. Although they were hesitant to let her join due to lack of practice with them, they know that they have more chance of winning with her in the game. They barely made it to the championships without her, after all.

It was only 1 week until our graduation, this game will basically decide if more than half of the team will be able to go to college. Most of them are aiming to get scholarships and, with all the recruiters watching from all sides, that's just what might happen.

We arrived a little late, so we weren't able to get seats near the field but I can see Alex immediately take charge. They were all circled around her and I know that they're strategizing about how they will be playing tonight.

"Alex always go for offense, but hopefully she knows how great the defense of this team are" Michael suddenly spoke from beside Sandy, attracting our attention as well as the others around us who heard it through the crowd. I've watched tons of our school's game as a way of promoting school spirit, but I never really understood much of it except for the fact that the have to put the ball in the enemy's net. Michael and Rachel are the one that's a die-hard soccer fan, so they're the one that's on the loop of what's really happening.

"They're not really that great when it comes to attacking, but their defense is what placed them on the championships" Rachel added and Michael was quick to agree.

"I don't know what you two are talking about" Sandy spoke, taking the words out of our mouths, something which the two had ignored because the team began forming in the field.

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