Chapter 38: My Own

Start from the beginning

"I know it'll be way too suspicious" I say thinking of how they'll take her the moment they see her in their doorstep.

"We gotta keep her in check man, we can't have a little 17 year old running around getting killed" Jinyoung instructs looking stressed leaving me confused. Why is he all of a sudden so worried about Maze? Did something that I don't know about happen?

"Kinda peak that she won't fuck JB the guy that actually wants to fuck her" Bambam speaks up as he burst out into laughter but no one else joins in thu just stare down at him like he's lost his mind.

"Oh don't forget Mark too" Yugyeom adds before fist bumping Bambam. I look over at Mark and he has his head down making me clench my jaw and put my hands into a tight fist. I still wonder what he and Maze spoke about that night.

"And Daddy Taehyung" Bambam adds laughing trying to fist bump Yugyeom again but this time Yugyeom ain't having it, instead he looks down at him with pure disgust written on his face.

"Did you just call me daddy?" Taehyung asks with his arms folded across his chest waiting for Bambam to respond.

"We never speak of this again"

Maze POV:

They think I can't do it, they don't believe in me why? I'm the one who saved myself from the notorious gang that belonged to GD. I took them down! Me not them and I stole his money me not them and killed my sister in the process. How dare they undermine me like I'm a weak little girl? I can fight, I can kill and I come up with way better plans than they do, all they do is worry about who loves me more like grow the fuck up. But screw them, I'll do this on my own, I'll fix all of this on my own just like how broke myself out.

21, 23, 25 I count the door numbers as I walk down the street. The boys were too busy trying to come up with a plan and they didn't even notice that I was gone. I got on the train and now I'm here in Knightsbridge looking for the house the hostage told us about. I know what I'm doing I just wish the boys trusted me too.

I lift my hand up and knock on the door feeling my heart beating in my chest. There's no backing down now.

"Who are you?" A huge Asian man with little eyes opens the door and looks down at me. I begin to cry as I scratch my neck looking nervous.

"Hello I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I was told to come here a man a man he was bleeding and these men took him and I tried to save him I really did but the men they took him I'm sorry" I cry as I sniff and push my hair out of my face. The man looks down at me confused but I start praying hoping that he lets me in and buys my ridiculous story.

"Who's at the door?" A younger looking Asian man asks with his arms folded across his chest as he looks down at me with pure disgust on his face.

"My name is Rosa I was just trying to help" I sniff staying in character as I wipe away my tears using my sleeve. They both look at each other before shrugging their shoulders. "Let her in, she knows what they look like" he states as he opens the door wider allowing me to step foot into the house. I smile to myself knowing that already I've Don't more than the boys expected me to do. I'm in the house.

"Now what is a sweet little girl like you doing here?" A white man with green eyes and dark brown hair asks me as soon as he sees me enter the house. He strokes my hair making me flinch, I begin to act shy, swaying side to side with my eyes on my feet.

"She's so cute man can we keep her?" the young looking Asian man says with a big smile on his face as he holds my hand jumping up and down making the white man slap his hand away from my grip and give him a death stare.

"Are you crazy? Boss will kill us" the white man exclaims making the other man sulk and look down with a pout in his face. I begin to sniff even more trying to show them how vulnerable I am hoping that they won't kick me out. I've made it this far, I won't back down now.

"But she's here to help us, how else would she have found us?" The Asian man retaliates throwing his arms in the air. The white man doesn't respond for a while and puts on his thinking face as he looks down at me.

"But we don't know her" he finally speaks up after moments of silence. The other man sighs slapping his knee out of frustration. I hear some footsteps meaning there are more people in this house making me dart my head to the floor.

"I know her" I hear a familiar voice beam forcing me to dart my head up and see a tall man standing in front of me, I don't see his face since he has a hood on but he just seems so familiar making my heart beat uncontrollably. He slowly takes off his good and looks at me with a smile on his face making my heart drop.


"That's Maze, my little sister"

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