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MY MIND felt like it was on Mars during lunch. I eyed my friends as they sat around me, talking amongst each other about god knows what because I had bigger things on my mind.

I could leave this place. I could go to a place that would be my new home.

Or I could be with the family I have now who's gone through enough shitty stuff just like me. We were all mistfits, but we were misfits together.

These thoughts were on replay until I felt a hand grasp mine. I blink rapidly as I look around the group that we're now eyeing me before turning my attention to Marcus, who had his hand on top of mine as he sat next to me, "You okay?"

I hum, but across from me, Billy scoffs, "No she isn't. She threw up in the janitors closet, but almost passed out after leaving Gao's office."

I glare at Billy, but meet Marcus' furrowed brows, so I sighed, "It's nothing, alright. Billy just doesn't know when to shut his trap."

"What did she say to you?" Saya asked, "Because when she spoke to me... it felt unreal. Felt like I didn't even speak to her."

"I didn't feel that way when she spoke to me," Petra added, "She was just in my business as if she was trying to be some kind of spy."

I nod, "Yeah, she was just trying to get to me, have me tell her the things that I would tell Dr.Geller- which reminds me that I have to lie to him next session because he's telling her my business anyways."

"Why has she spoke to everyone," Marcus question, "But me?"

"Maybe because you aren't that interesting to talk to," Billy grinned at Marcus, causing Marcus to roll his eyes and raise the hand that was on mine to give him the middle finger.

I watch his hand about to fall back down on mine, but before he could get the chance, I put it under the table and stare at the tray, "Does anyone know what this is?"

"It's not pleasant," Saya inputted, continuing the movement to change the topic, taking a sniff before gagging, "You can tell by the smell."

They all smell it afterwards and shove the tray away after having the same reaction Saya did, "It's legit prison now. I mean I thought it was before, but this.. that was juvie and this is actual prison food."

I chuckled at Billy's words, but it subsided as Petra spoke, "Did anybody hear from Maria?"

My body tensed as I turn to see Saya was frozen in place, so I shook my head, "We haven't had any outside communication, not even from Lin. If Maria is still trying to go after El Diablo, I hope she's with Lin."

They hummed and nodded, the table going quiet. It felt like we had nothing else to discuss for today. We felt like that for days. None of us could find the right words to just set everything back into motion, so we were all stuck in our minds just hoping for the next topic to pick us up from our bottomless chest.

"Well, I'm beat," Saya huffed out and pushed herself away from the table, "I'll catch you guys later."

She was the first one to walk off and soon Petra agreed, "Yeah, I got a test I need to study for, Billy, you coming?"

He eyed us and nodded, "Yeah, we'll see you guys at class."

Marcus waved at them before they vanished and it was just us. He fumbled with his hands, a small smile appearing on his lips, "I hope you're not leaving me too."

I turn to him and meet his eyes that were no longer full of joy like before. They seemed dead inside- or at least hopeless as they bored into mine, "I was gonna go read up on my daily scriptures, but I-" I couldn't even keep my joke going, "I'm not going."

"Are you okay?" He asked me again and I nod.

"Are you?"

"I could be worse," He shrugged, but raised a brow at me, "You sure you're okay? You seemed strange since that meeting with Headmaster- or at least since I last spoke to you."

"Yeah, I'm sure," I hummed, "Want me to take a lie detector test?"

He chuckled to himself, "No, just promise me that I don't need to worry."

"I promise." I grab his hand and smile, "I can take of myself, by the way."

"I know that, of course, I just-" He paused, glancing down at our hands before squeezing my hand before the monk came to the table, making us pull away from each other. We glared at the monk before he walked off and Marcus sighed deeply, "I just don't want us to go through anymore shit."

"We're always going to go through shit, Marcus," I smirked when he laughed, "But when I get better and when Gao lifts the gates to this hell, we'll be on the first ticket out of here."

He raised a brow, "Nice plan, but how long you think that'll be?"

"Hopefully a week," I responded, thinking of the time span I had until my offer with Gao was ripped from the table. I still held a happy expression on my face as he stared at me, "Just pick a place and we'll go."

He reached for my hand under the table, a small smile on his face which made the scar on his face crinkle a little with his eyes, "Anywhere you go is fine by me, but I'd like to stop by Disneyland first."

A light laugh escaped me, but then I thought that maybe he thought I was joking. Maybe he thought that these were those fantasy talks and they probably were because I doubt in a week from now my leg would get better or Gao would let us back to go back outside unless it's to let me go with my aunt.

We're just talking about a fantasy that might never happen because he doesn't know that my fate is only a few days away. I crack a smile anyways, "Disneyland it is."

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