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"LEX," DR.GELLER suddenly announced, causing me to tense in my seat, "Tell me what happened with Lex."

"No," I shook my head, "I don't want to talk about it- I don't want you to ask about him."

"Brynn, we must discuss everything that has happened these past months and that includes your involvement with Lex," He explained and I bit the inside of my cheek, "We need to know your involvement into the shenanigans that Mr.Arguello got you into also, Ms.Reynolds, okay?"

"Why?" I asked him, "Why is this all so important? The guy who caused all of this is dead- all those hillbilly fuckers are dead."

"Exactly, Ms.Reynolds." He stated and I furrowed my brows, "All those people are dead and San Francisco Police Department are trying to find out who done it because it's considered the biggest mass murder this year. If we could just get your side of the story-"

"Are you going to put this on Marcus?" I interrupted, listening to him trying to explain the situation, "Are you trying to use all of this to incriminate him?"

He stared at me briefly and tapped his pen against his notebook, sighing, "Tell me what happened with Lex Miller."

I eyed him down, my jaw clenched as I grip the arms of my chair tightly, "Tell me what will happen to Marcus if I do."

It took about 20 minutes to put on the dress Billy left me with because I was distracted. I thought about everything that reminded me of Lex, from the moment we met to the moment I watched him die.

A sudden chill went up my spine at the thought of that night. The night that I or anyone there could never forget, as if it was tattooed on the side of our brains, being there with no intention of leaving.

I stare at my figure in the mirror, disgust finding itself to my face as I looked gross on the outside and felt terrible on the inside. My face sunk itself in and my eyes had several bags that seemed to darken each time I blinked. I felt dead to the world.

But I guess today isn't the day for dead jokes.

A knock casted itself in my door and I sighed, "Billy, I'm going, okay? No need to yell or throw a fit." I turn from my mirror and limp to my door, swinging it wide open to see Marcus in a suit I seen him in once before. I stared at him as he stared at me, no words could form itself in our mouths.

He let out a sigh of relief, probably surprised that I answered the door as he smiled, "Hey."

"Hi," I mumbled, my throat dry as if I led a whole speech minutes before, "Why uh- what are you doing here?"

"Petra didn't think you were coming and Billy needed some air, so I thought I would see how you were," He explained and I slowly nod, watching him awkwardly look around after, "Uh, can I come in?"

My eyes go wide a little as I realize that I was still standing in the doorway, so I step back and let him in before I closed the door. I glance back at him and watch him uneasily sit in my armchair, evidently displaying discomfort.

I awkwardly cross my arms over my chest, leaning against the door to keep my distance, "So, um.. how are you?"

"Not sure, we haven't been able to leave King's in a while so I think I'm starting to lose my sanity." He let out a brief laugh, trying to lighten the mood, but I could even muffle a laugh, only hum in a agreement. He clears his throat and fumbles with his hands as his eyes met mine, "How about you? How've you been?"

I shrug a little, "Not sure, I feel like I'm being homeschooled because I get all my work sent to me and recordings of lessons that I missed."

"How long are you doing it for?" He asked, and I raise a brow, "It's just because class is boring without you and Billy has become a pain in my ass."

I then smiled, having a small chuckle escape, "Now he's become a pain in mine," I motion to my dress, watching his eyes wander down to my cast. My smile faltered, the thoughts of my leg haunting me.

"How much longer do the cast stay on for?"

"I take it off tomorrow and then I have a week of Physical Therapy," I tell him, before forcing a smile, "I be in class sooner than you think, Arguello."

"That's good," He hummed before silence took over. I haven't spoken to him in weeks- not since we were rushed away from Shabnam's house by the Soto Vatos and everything took a turn for the worse.

I pushed the strands of my hair behind my ear and let out a deep breath as I push my nightmares in the back of my mind before looking at Marcus, "Are you ready?"

"Are you?"

"I'll never be ready," I honestly answered and he stood from the chair to reach over and grab my crutches to hand them to me. He walked up to where I was and held out the crutches, but when I took a hold of them, he wouldn't let them go. I raise a brow at him as he looked as if he was in his thoughts, trying to think of what to say to me, "What?"

"I-uh," He stammered, but let out a huff in sudden frustration, "I'm sorry, Brynn."

"For what exactly?" I ask as he soon lets go of the crutches for me to put under my arms.

"For everything that happened to you because of me," He mumbled, but loud enough for me to hear as he stood closely to me, "You being shot, your leg...Lex."

Memories haunted me again as he listed each event. They would never leave me as they all involve the things I now hate; blood and pain.

I swallow the sudden lump in my throat and nod, "I know, it's fine. I'm also to blame because I've pushed you guys away after all that."

He nods, a small smile on his face, "Too bad we can't leave."

I then glance at our newly barred windows and let out a short laugh, "Yeah, I've been craving Chinese for weeks."

He hummed at the thought, "I hope we get out soon."

"I don't think the new headmaster is fond of that idea," I tell him, "She's like Lin but-"

"More of a dictator?" He finished and I smirked which led to him smirking, but when I glance down I seen he had stepped closer. When I look back up, I meet his gaze and my throat goes dry as my memories surfaced again, "Brynn."


I feel my heart beat pick up suddenly, but I couldn't find the words to answer Marcus.

"Brynn, it's okay.."

It's not okay.

"Just remember.."

I get startled by Marcus' hand touching my shoulder. I focus on him, his face etched with concerned, "Brynn," He called me again and I only hum, my heart slowing itself down at his touch, "Hey, you alright?"

I quickly nod my head and let out another hum, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thought of something. It's fine." I give him a reassuring smile, and step back from him, his hand dropping from my shoulder, "We should go before Billy yells at me again." He only nods, but I could still see his worried features formed on his face as we left the room. I let out sigh of relief as we walked the rest of the way in silence but a chill suddenly runs down my spine we walked.

"Just remember I love you."

𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 ⇀ 𝖽𝖼 (editing)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum