↳ twenty-five↴

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I WAS one drink and two more mollies away from a massive hangover from last night. My head throbbed, so I slowly roll over in my bed and grab my Advil and water, downing two pills and chugging the water in seconds. The thoughts of last night were a blur and if I tried go remember, I would give myself a bigger headache.

I had lost count of the number of beers I had after my third one and the number of joints after my second one because of my countless amount of drinks. I lay back in my bed and let out a soft sigh before I let my eyes slip close. Saya was by my side the whole night, choosing to extend her limit of drugs and alcohol, but she was more of a professional than me.

Around one in the morning, I suggested that we head back because after the twentieth song, I felt like my legs were going to turn into jelly. And once I reached my room, I slept until now, which made me glance at my clock and see that it was 2 o'clock. I missed the majority of my classes and I wasn't planning on going anyways for the rest, despite the hell I'll get for it, so I pulled at my covers until I saw a slip of paper slide under my door.

I sit up slowly and watch the paper rest at the edge of my rug, so I turn my body and get out of bed before reaching for the paper. It was folded so when I opened it, I instantly noticed Saya's handwriting; OFF CAMPUS MEETING. LOST INNOCENCE. VEGAS CREW ONLY @ 3.

I furrowed my brows at the note and folded it back up before placing it on my desk. I let out a sigh as I go to my closet and pick out a pair of ripped jeans and a sweatshirt, in no mood to put in effort. I then go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, vomit sitting on my tongue as if I were about to throw up any second.

When I finished, I leave the bathroom and slip on my converse before grabbing my keys and leaving my room. I had no idea what this meeting was about and I no longer cared, though curiosity hit me. Why only us? Was Chico's body discovered? Did Chester no longer feel the need to taunt us- or Marcus?

Due to my constant mental questions replaying in my head, the walk to the comic store seemed short. Though when I swing open the door and see our not so official clan looking my way, I freeze at the door. Maria looks my way and around the group, "What is she doing here?"

I roll my eyes and go in my back pocket, pulling out the slip of paper and glancing at it, "If I'm not mistaken, it seems that I was invited. And if I do recall, I think I was there when you slit open your boyfriend's neck."

She kisses her teeth and I smirk to myself as I walk inside. Marcus watched every step I took until I got up to them, but I didn't meet his gaze because I also felt Maria's glare. Saya told me how Marcus told Maria what happened between us and how she wasn't so happy about it. She wanted to send her goons after me, but since no one knows about their relationship- not even her clan- it seemed I dodged a bullet.

Unfortunately for her, she doesn't scare me.

I stand next to Willie, watching him smile, "Rough night?"

"Great actually," A retort and glance at Saya before she goes in her bag and pulls out multiple pictures. She told me how she was keeping an eye on Chester after that night we tried to find him with the Scorpio Slasher. Apparently, he's hiding out in Shabnam's house, but she didn't tell me anything more than that.

I pick up at picture, and grimace at the sight of a man impaled by a makeshift weapon, "God, is that-"

"Shabnam's dad?" Marcus cut off, making me looking at him as he nodded, "Yeah."

"His mom is probably in there as well." Maria commented.

"All the more reason we have to do this now." Billy stated as Saya spoke.

"Shabnam's house is rigged with traps," She informed, "Chester has seven to eight people inside helping him."

"You're sure he has Chico?" Maria asked her.

"You better hope he does because I'm not getting dragged into this shit show again. I'm not going down for your crime." I declare and meet Maria's eyes, crossing my arms.

"It's no bluff. He knows everything," Saya assured, glancing at me, "He has to be getting information from someone inside of King's."

"Shabnam's parents."

"There's another problem," Maria then stated, "El Diablo. If this animal sends him Chico's head- if he finds out it was me-"

"Then we're all gonna be fucked. Innocent or not." I finished off and kissed my teeth, "What can we do to stop this shit?"

"We're going to need some serious fire power," Marcus answered, "Guns, explosives."

"Y'all must be out ya damn minds." Willie suddenly said before storming off, making Marcus follow him.

I let out a groan, which made Maria give me a look, so I gave one back, "What the hell is your problem, Maria?"

"My problem is you, Brynn." She bluntly said, "I chose to be your friend, to try and bond with you and you went behind my back."

"You're acting as if I'm the only guilty one here. Are you going to give a piece of your mind to Marcus too?" I wonder, "Or are you just going to shoot an arrow at him and forgive him with sex?"

She gaped at me, "You are a home-wrecker."

I roll my eyes and scoff, "Please, you guys were already a wreck before I entered your secret relationship."

"Guys, please, let's just be nice for once," Billy tried to persuade and I give him a look to shut him up.

When I look back at Maria, I toss my hands up, "You know, Maria, it's not all my fault. You just choose guys who either love you too much or love you too little to give a damn about you."

Right when I said that, the door opens and we glance back to see Marcus walk in by himself. I turn my back toward him and run my hand down my face as Billy spoke, "Willie's out?"

I glance back and seem him shake his head, so Saya speaks up, "Okay, the backyard and all the doors are booby-trapped, the windows are reinforced, but if we get some C-4–"

"Yeah, yeah, they sell that at Costco, right? Next to the big bags of popcorn." Billy remarked and I bit my lip at a sudden idea.

"There's only one person I know that can get what we need." I sighed and Billy eyes me.

"Great, let's go." Maria said and I shake my head.

"No, I said that he can get it," I correct, "It's just.. it's just that-"

"It's just that whether he'd will want to or not is the main question," Marcus finished and I glanced back at him, "Especially... especially after happened."

"Wait," Maria paused, "Who are we even talking about?"

I glance and bit my lip again, regretting this idea because he might say no. He might slam the door in my face or stab my in the leg for me to bleed out. I then look up at her and huff out, "Lex."

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