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THE STALE and ripe air filled my nostrils, making me want to throw up the only thing that sat in my stomach and that was my own blood. I gripped onto my dagger and crept down the makeshift corridor of cages and barking dogs. I was about to continue walking until a creak in the floorboards and a cock of a shot gun behind made me freeze my movements.

I slowly turn around to meet Chester face to face once again. He looked like Satan masterpiece, a little fucked up on the outside and probably totally fucked up on the inside.

He smirked at me, "Drop the dagger." I held a tight grasp on it, but then I thought about it, I do not want to die at the hands of this maniac either, so I let my weapon hit the floor, which made him grin, "Good girl, now walk."

He motioned down the rest of the walkway and so I slowly turn on my heels and do as he said until we reached a lit area with a couch and a desk, as if a talk show. I then take notice of unconscious Marcus as I continue to walk in, "Well, would you look at that, your damsel came to save you! I guess you're the damsel in distress now."

I grimaced at his joke and rush over to Marcus, seeing his taped and bounded. I grab his face, and lift his head to see he was knocked out cold, "What did you do?"

"Why?" He retorted back and I kiss my teeth, "Marcus deserved a little knock to the head."

"Marcus," I called lightly as I rubbed his cheeks, "Marcus, I'm here. I'm gonna get you out of here. I promise."

"Alright now, reunion time is over," Chester said as I heard the cages rattle behind me when he cocked his gun again for the second time as if he used it already, "Sit on the couch and don't move an inch as my pet ties you up."

I watch his 'pet' enter our presence, having me recognized him as the guy from Shabnam's party, though he was dressed somewhat professionally in a blazer and tie, excluding pants. I guess after the party, Chester held him hostage and tortured him into submission. He trudged over to me with tape and had me hold out my hands before tightly bounding them.

I hiss as I hit my wound, "Easy, will you?" I wondered, but I was ignored as he then placed tape over my mouth and legs, once again tying me up tightly. I then look over at Chester and notice him slightly professional as well, part of me thinking that this was some sort of short film he was making.

It wasn't long before Chester's 'pet' sat next to me and Marcus as Chester stood behind the camera starting the show, "Live from some fat kid's basement, in the charming Sunset District of San Francisco, Fairy Town, USA, it's 'The Chester Fuckface Variety Talking Hour."

A fake applause erupted in the room, startling me and stirring Marcus awake. Thank god, you're okay. He tried to look around the room, but once his eyes set on me, they went wide before he tried to free himself.

"Our guests tonight, the dude who tried to kill our host and his sidekick," Shandy continued and I turn my head to glare at the title he gave me, "Marcus Lopez Arguello and Brienne."

I let out muffled words toward him in anger, hoping he would understand that I was cursing at him. The man ignored me, however, And now the man with the power to kill us all, Chester Fuckface."

Another fake applause echoed through before Chester moved in front of the camera, "Thank you, thank you welcome to the show." He then walks past Marcus and I to sit behind the desk, "Well, let's hear it for our ginger orangutan, whose scrotum looks like a yam, Dwight Shandy."

This time, it was only Chester and Dwight who clapped, which made this all seem so depressing and insane. Chester then sat down and look at the camera, "Now today we gonna explore what makes a monster. What's at the core of all this ugliness and violence? Why do we feed off it?"

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