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I GROANED softly as I peaked through my eyes to see it was morning. I feel an arm draped over my bare stomach and turn to see Lex snoring lightly. His face was relaxed, which I smiled at as I brought my hand up to his face. My finger drags lightly across his cheek before moving to his eyebrows.

When he feels me touching him, he furrowed his brow and opened his eyes slightly to see me. He then chuckled lightly before I remove my hand, so he could rub his eyes, letting out a soft groan, "Morning."

His voice was croaky, which made his accent thicker. I smiled as he pulled me closer to him, "Good morning."

He stretched out though and sits up, looking around the room, "We fell asleep?"

"No, we just laid down with our eyes closed for almost 8 hours." I scoffed, and he playfully shoved me before I shoved him back. I thought I won that battle, but he gave a smug look before he began tickling me, "L- Lex!" I shrieked m my c as he tickled my sides, with no intention to stop.

"Who knew that a killer had a ticklish spot." He chuckled as I continued to plea for my freedom.

"Lex," I gasped out, "Lex- Lex, please!" He hesitantly stops tickling me and I quickly hit him once I maintained a steady breathing, "You are so dead."

"Well, can you kill me after I meet up with Billy?" He asked and I raised a brow, "I have to go to some convention with him. We go every year."

I nodded, "That's nice. I didn't know you guys do things like that together."

He then rested his head on my shoulder and sighed, "Yeah, it's sort of his thing though. I just tag along, make him feel good."

"Well, that's really sweet of you, Lex." I kissed him on his cheek and was about to get out of bed, but he yanked me back down.

"That's all I get? A kiss on the bloody cheek?" He wondered and so, teasingly, I moved close to his lips, only to go up a kiss his forehead. He frowned, "Am I a grandpa to you?"

I chuckled as he cupped my chin and kissed my lips, choosing to take matters into his own hands. I rested my hands on his waist, pulling him closer to me, not wanting to let him go and I think he felt the same way. We spent the whole weekend together, neither of us leaving the room unless it was to buy take out last night.

When we needed space to breathe, I broke away first though, and hurriedly got out of bed before he pulled me back in. I grabbed a shirt off of the ground and pull it over my head, which caused him to let out a light chuckle.

I turned to him and raise a brow, "What?"

He shakes his head and smiles, "Nothing, it's just.. it's just that you look really good in my shirt."

I glanced down at the purposely torn shirt, the holes exposing the bare parts of my shoulders and the top of my chest. I only smiled at his words and walked to the bathroom to wash up. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, a typical routine that everyone should do, before I got back out to see Lex getting dressed already.

He glanced up at me before he reached for his shoes, "I wish we could stay in bed day one more day. I had a lot of fun, even if it was just to play cards and eat Chinese."

I only chuckle and lean against the bathroom door frame, watching him. He had a tank top under his leather jacket, which I forgot he had on also last night. I guess I'm keeping the shirt.

He soon stands after fixing his shoes and comes up to me, grabbing my waist. He looked me up and down and smirked, "I'll see you later?"

I nodded, "Yeah," He nodded back at my response, kissing me on my cheek and I gaped at him. He sees my reaction and laughed before I crossed my arms over my chest, "You know, you're such a hypocrite?"

He raised a brow and backs away from me and to the door, "Am I? Am I really?"

I pushed myself off the doorframe to follow him to my door, "Yeah, you are." He was about to reach for the doorknob, but I grab his hand and pull him toward me before I kissed him goodbye. It was brief, yet I couldn't help but smile from his touch.

When we parted, he chuckled to himself and opened the door to walk out. I hold onto the door as he smiled at me, "Bye, sweetheart."

I only waved a him and he winked before walking off down the hall. I close my door and lean against it, my smile still glued to my face. I was about to walk away from the door, but there a knock that slightly startled me.

I playfully rolled my eyes, thinking of how he probably forgot something, "What did you forget?" I asked and I opened the door to see Marcus with a smirk on his face as he took in my appearance.

"Well," He started off, glancing down the hall, "I forgot to ask you if you were seeing Lex?"

My face dropped and my throat went dry all of a sudden, "Huh?"

"I just seen him leave your room and I come to see you in his shirt?" He wondered and I sighed, opening the door, so he'd come in. "How long has this been going on?"

I shrugged, "Not long, why?"

He shrugged also as he sat in my armchair, "No reason, it's just I didn't think you and Lex, well- I don't know- liked each other or were dating."

"We're not," I paused as he then looked at me with furrowed brows, "It's complicated."

"Believe me, I know complicated," He joked before I watched his eyes wander down to my bare legs, which made me grab a pair of pants and hurry to the bathroom to change.

"So what did you come by for?" I asked through the door as I shove on my blue jeans. I then get out of the bathroom, to see Marcus still slouched in my chair.

"I just came by to hang out. We haven't spoken in all weekend since I've been locked up in detention." He told me and I nodded slowly, "We can walk around town or something while you tell me about Lex and you."

I rolled my eyes and groaned, "You sound like a girl."

"No, I'm your new and only best friend," He corrected and I raised a brow at him as he held a grin, "Plus, I thought we were The Club of Misfits, who tell each other things- gossip and all."

"It's the Antisocial Losers Club," I correct before letting out a laugh, "And I can never tell if your acting like this because your insane or just in need of a friend right now."

"Let's say it's because of both." He shrugged and stretched out his arms by my bed, picking up a pair of shoes before tossing them at me. He then walks toward the closest and throws a T-shirt and a sweater at me. I glare at him as he only clapped his hands and grinned, "Now hurry up and get dressed. We're wasting daylight."

He then went up to me and spun me before shoving me toward the bathroom. I let out a growl as he pushed me inside and shut the door, "You know, I'm starting to get tired of people forcing me into my own bathroom."

HELLO my lovely people, I just wanted you guys to know that I wrote another book on Deadly Class because I'm so obsessed with the show. It's a different plot and a different protagonist (played by Kat Graham) and I think it's a great start somewhere, so I'd love it if you'd go check it out.

I was inspired by: @Sage1998C, so if you'd please go that check out it would be great!💛❤️

I was inspired by: @Sage1998C, so if you'd please go that check out it would be great!💛❤️

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