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IT ALL happened so quickly.

It was like a bolt of lightning struck in the sky as we stood and watched Maria slice open Chico's neck. The world seem to stand still as I watched him drop to his knees and onto the ground, his blood filling the cracks in the alleyway.

My mind moved in slow motion as I looked from Chico to Billy, who he stabbed minutes before his untimely death. He laid in Saya's arms, in shock of seeing Chico and him bleeding from his abdomen. God, I hope he didn't hit something important.

I then look over Chico and at Willie, who stood with a gun in his hands that he was too fearful to use, before turning to see Maria. She gripped her fan, the blades inside concealed as blood dropped from it. Though, when it was certain that Chico wasn't moving, she closed her fan and rushed over to Marcus, who was bleeding from all over his face. I watch as she moves his hair out of his face and smiles from relief seeing that he was alright.

When he smiled back, I couldn't help but feel betrayed, "I'm not the acid king."

"We have to go!" Saya said and it brought me back to reality and everything was now moving at its normal pace again.

"Chico's body!" Maria yelled at us.

"No time. We got to jet," Willie days as he helps Maria get Marcus up. I go over to Saya and help her carry Billy, "Come on."

We hurry out of the alley and back to the car. I now sat in the passenger seat with Saya after we placed Billy in the back for Willie to watch, but when I look in the blind spot mirror, I see Maria sitting on Marcus' lap, tending to his wounds before drive back home.

No one chose to say a word during the drive, even when we made a pit stop at our secret backdoor medical clinic. We were all given a dosage of Valium just so we wouldn't catch paralysis on the way, yet after the acid, my brain felt like it was fried from the adrenaline.

The sun was rising and everyone was still lost for words. I went to glance back at Billy and I see Maria now kissing Marcus as if he was the only person in the car. I wanted to throw up, my mind going back to what happened a few hours ago.

I kissed Marcus and we almost had sex, which made me already regret everything. I don't know anymore on how I feel about him because I thought those feelings were gone. I thought I was starting to like Lex and that we were starting something.

Maybe it was all just in my head.

I sit back in my seat, but I glance over at Saya, who eyed them from the rear view, so I furrowed my brows as I notice her tense up. She then glances at me briefly because she sensed my stare before looking away and back on the road.

I guess I'm not the only one who likes him.

I chose to look outside of the car now because if I kept looking at the people in the car, I was going to start throwing punches. I wanted to go home already, but then I wondered, what is home? Was my home King's, the place full of murderers and liars?

I was beginning to feel sick when we got closer to King's, the urge to throw up whatever was left in my empty stomach. Saya parked a block away from the school and so we had to walk the rest of the way.

And after hours of silence, Willie spoke up, "Anyone else feeling like shit?"

I raised my hand and that led everyone else to do the same. My body ached in every place possible and it made me practically drag myself down the streets of San Francisco. I felt dirty as if I killed tonight- as if I've done an unspeakable act.

And to be honest, I did. I lied to Lex, took LSD, made out with Marcus and almost stripped myself naked in front of him, and watched a second person tonight bleed out to death. I was apart of this fucked up pity party wether I wanted to be or not.

We entered King's through the back entrance and snuck down the halls to go back to our dorms. Billy and Willie were the first to leave us, and then Saya, who chose to not even say goodbye. Maria soon walked off- but not before kissing Marcus' cheek- leaving me to awkwardly walk down the halls with him, who was limping next to me.

We chose to stay quiet, but when I reached my room, he spoke up, "Can I come in and sit down? I feel like I'm going to pass out."

I hesitantly nod and open my door, having him limp behind me and toward my armchair. Once he sat down, he hissed and groaned from the beating Chico gave him. I glance over at him and see him with his hand on his head and his eyes closed, so I went into the bathroom and ran a washcloth under cold water.

I came out of the bathroom and went over to him, holding it out, "Here. Put it on your head," He takes the cloth and does like I asked, "You probably have a concussion still."

"Thanks," He mumbled and I nodded slowly, watching as he closed his eyes again and leaned his head back as he leaves the cloth on his forehead.

I was tired of being suffocated by silence, so I walk over to my stereo and put in the Smiths, having it play really low. I then grab myself a bottle of water, trying to sober up as much as I could. My body felt like it could shut down any second so I lay out on my bed and stare at the ceiling.

"I think we should talk about what happened, Brynn." Marcus suddenly said and a sigh escapes me.

"It was a mistake." I claimed, "We were high and too in the moment-"

"You said you had a crush on me," He argued and I sit up to look at him, having our eyes lock.

"Had is past tense which means I used to like you." I explained.

"Then why would you let me kiss you if your feelings for me were past tense?" He questioned and my eyes linger on him for a moment before I run my hands down my face.

"Like I said, we were high on drugs," I tell him, "We didn't know any better and I was just saying all that in the heat of the moment," He stares at me briefly and slowly nods, so I sigh, "I like Lex."

"Do you really?" He wondered, "You've been hooking up with him for what, a while now, yet you wanted to lose your virginity to me?"

His tone came off cruel, so I glare his way, "You know, you have no right to talk. At least I'm sticking to one person, unlike you," He furrowed his brows at me as I continued, "One day, you're kissing Saya, the next you're making out with Maria, then you're hooking up with me in the shabby hotel before you're back to shoving your tongue down Maria's throat."

"Okay, but-"

"It's not okay," I cut him off, "You're making these girls feel some type of way and you're fucking with their minds. I'm not going to be one of those girls because I want to see how things are going to work out with Lex."

"Are you even going to tell him about what happened tonight?" He asked me and I blink furiously at the thought.

I then thought of how Lex would react. Either he'll get mad and want to murder someone or he'll forgive me, punch Marcus and move on. I sigh and look down at my hands, "I don't know-"

"I want to work things out with us, Brynn," He suddenly says, and I instantly look at him, "Despite this mix of feelings, and even if we never kiss again, I don't want to lose you."

I let out another sigh, "Marcus-"

"And before we lead ourselves into another argument," He interrupted again, "Can we get something to eat? I really want something on my stomach before I pass out."

I take a moment to look at him, a weary smile on his lips which makes me involuntarily smile also. I hop down off the bed and go over to him to hold my hand out, "Then what are we waiting for?"

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