"You wanna know what's insane, you fucken going around and kissing people in bathrooms, and then decide to ghost them for the following week." Shit that is not what I wanted to say. But I am mad and now am going to regret saying that since his eyes just grew wide from my stupid comment.

"Are you mad that I kissed you."

"I don't want to talk about it." I instantly began to turn red at an alarming rate and if I didn't get rid of him soon I was going to explode. Literally.
I looked away because I couldn't take it anymore. The intensity of his gaze. He didn't seem mad when I threw his shrink in his face or when I yelled 'screw you' quite frankly I would say he was enjoying my out burst. But the moment I mentioned the kiss his face fell into an unreadable expression.

"Can we please talk about anything else other than that, it was a mistake on my part anyway."

"Which part Ellie? The kissing part or the mentioning it?"

"Why do you care Jacob it's not like you where pleading to discuss it with me."

"Answer the questi-."

"Dammit Jacob drop it I don't wanna talk about it."

Why couldn't he understand that this is all I could take? If we discussed this I would have put myself in the misery of watching him try to find a nicer way a more sensitive way of telling me that he regretted doing it. And quite frankly I wasn't strong enough to handle it. I am strong enough to handle one thing at a time and right now I am dealing with his bitch of a sister and a dick of a best friend but there's only so much a fat suicidal short girl can take. And being rejected by him I'm not sure I would be able to handle it.

"What happened to your hand?"

He looked at it for a bit before he turned back to me.

"I don't want to get into it."

"Great I don't talk about some things and clearly you don't want to talk either so why the hell are you still here? We clearly have nothing to say to each other."

There was silence. A deafening silence and I kept on looking at his dark blue eyes and he looked at my electric blue ones. And for a moment I thought he was going to press on and ask why the hell I wouldn't answer his question or why I was being so difficult.
But instead.

"Have lunch with me tomorrow." He blurted out.

"I'm sorry what."

"You heard me I said have lunch with me tomorrow you, me the cafeteria not this dump site you decide to come to wallow yourself in self pity." I looked about the beautiful courtyard that the school probably plagued a million dollars into and it was only then when I realized the few students that had been there where gone it was just me and him alone.

What, was he crazy now, why on earth could he ever think that he could be seen with me in a public place the most public in the whole entire school. Us, together eating.

"Why would you want to do that?"

"There we go again with the comments. You hate Brooke and Carter clearly more than you hate me, and I'm not exactly fond of both of them at the moment either you, me cafeteria equals getting to witness Brooke look like her eyes are about to pop out of her socket I really need something to cheer me up. It could really piss off Brooke and it seems you like doing that anyway."

"And why exactly would you do that for me?"

"Don't flatter yourself it's not all for you, I mean I get piss off the most annoying thing ever to live and when that thing is mad it pisses of Carter and that my friend would bring me joy." Why does he have to make this hard I wish I could just turn back time and go back to the time when I knew what exactly I felt for him pure hatred now I don't know it's all messy and confusing.

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