Chapter 33 - Abyss stares back

Start from the beginning

"Who are you?" Takasugi asked the woman. She felt like woman shouldn't be here or was an illusion.

Her robe was even thinner than Takasugi and yet she wasn't trembling from cold, like she was completely immune from it.

"That depends on what thou wants to be" Woman answered with calm voice.

"I just want to be normal..."

"There are a lot of definitions of being normal..." Woman knelt near her "Thous wants to change the fate?"

"I just want all of this to ends!" Takasugi shouted and suddenly felt something piercing her chest.

"Then thous shall see what lies beyond..." Woman said. Shape of invincible blade she pulled out of Takasugi chest were revealed by blood on it.

Takasugi body started to shaking and blood started coming out of her wound, soaking her blouse and shirt.

Woman gently put her on the snow and hold hand under her head, waiting.

She slowly lost feeling in her body and pain faded away, replaced by nothingness. Her vision slowly got darker and darker, till last blurry lights faded away.

'Is this... Death?' Takasugi though after everything faded away 'Or I'm still dying?'

There was nothing, except for her. She couldn't even feel any part of her body.

Her memories started surfacing, playing in front of her mind like a film.

Warm smiles of her fellow orphans and disgusted faces of her classmates. Her time with new mother and times in empty house spent with strangers. From beging till present, good things and bad, happiness and sorrow. Everything blending into one piece.

"Will thous wake?..." A voice of woman echoed in "...Or shall fade into?"

'But why wake up?'

A small ember start flickering playfully in distance, slowly coming closer to her.

After some time she started seeing shape of someone in the ember. She started trying her best to recognize it and shape started slowly becoming more and more familiar.

She suddenly felt a strange feeling and recognized the face.

"Y/N!" She shouted and opened her eyes.

Her eyes looked into clear, endless, dark sky above her. She got up looking around confused.

She was still in alley covered in snow, but she couldn't see farther than ten metres and woman was gone.

No lights could be seen in any direction. She touched the place where blade pierced her chest and looked with shock at her red hand.

She didn't feel any cold and pain, despite being covered in snow and blood outside on winter night. It almost felt like she was a ghost.

"Thous woke..." Woman from before slowly walked through darkness towards her. This time she had two holstered katanas attached to her belt.

"What is this?!" Takasugi shouted scared and started walking back from woman "What the hell do you want from me?!"

"I am, what thous want" Woman answered "This is the abyss"

"What?!" Takasugi looked around confused.

"The abyss reflects everything, thous world too" Woman explained "Thou found the reason for live, that's why thou still exist"

"Reason... To live?" She looked at woman with confusion and fear.

They looked at each other. Takasugi slowly clenched her hands and fear in her eyes turned into determination.

"Yes" Takasugi answered coldly with serious look on her face.

Woman started clapping.

"Huh?" Takasugi looked at her, confused.

"For a lady, there is nothing more better than earning the grace of lords ember" Woman said and detached one of holstered katanas from the belt.

Takasugi instinctively took step back preparing to run.

"This is blade made from a dragon" Woman explained "If thou wants to change the fate, thou need to wield it and cut the ties with previous life"

Takasugi carefully approached her and grabbed the katana. She suddenly felt strange bond between her and the weapon.

"Thous shall now return... The lord is awaiting"

Takasugi started feeling pleasant warmth and everything started became blurry.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw bathtub filled with water she were siting in.

"Ugh..." She touched her head "I must have dozen off... What a weird dream"

"I really... Love him..." She blushed and shook her head "No! I can't think of this now! I need to finish my homework first, what is the hour--"

She stood up and her heart almost freeze.

Katana and her clothes covered in blood were laying on washing machine.

Roses are red,
Violins are blue,
I'm stuck in writers block,
And have responsibilities too...

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