I sang the first verse, and slowly my shoulders started to relax.  My tense muscles loosened up, and I took a deep, calming breath.

I've never opened up to anyone,
So hard to hold back when I'm holding you, in my arms

Kyle's smooth voice filled my ears, and my breath hitched a little.  It just reminded me that he was here, hearing my voice.  The familiar feeling over nausea started to set it, but I forced myself to swallow and keep going.

But we don't need to rush this, let's just take it slow.

Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight,
Just a touch of the fire burning so bright,
I don't wanna mess this thing up, I don't wanna push to far,
Just a shot in the dark that you just might, be the one I've been waiting for my whole life,
So baby I'm alright, with just a kiss goodnight.

Kyle sang the melody and I sang harmony, letting the notes blend together.  I was actually surprised with how well our voices blended, it made my voice not sound half bad.

With a kiss goodnight...
Kiss goodnight

Kyle slowly stopped playing, looking up at me and giving a small smile.  He set the guitar on his lap, reaching back into his pocket and pulling out his phone. 

"Something wrong?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.  The nausea was slowly fading away.  I was proud of myself, I had made it through the song without passing out!

"No," Kyle muttered, tying something into his phone.  I crossed my arms, snuggling back into my seat, "Don't get to comfortable," He chuckled, "We're about to leave."

I groaned, "Why?!" 

"Because you have a mother in the hospital, and you should really be there," He explained, giving me a stern look.  Deep inside I knew he was right, but I still culdn't help but not want to spend the next week or so in the hospital.

"Fine," I sighed, watching Kyle stand up.  He stuck a hand out to me, pulling me to my feet. "Thanks for this, I needed to get away."

"No problem," Kyle whispered, gently planting a kiss on my forehead.


(Kyle's POV, as they are singing the song)

If she wouldn't believe me, then I would just have to prove it to her.  Serenity had an amazing voice, one that shouldn't be taken for granted.  I didn't know why she was so self conscious, or why she said she had a horrible voice, but I knew it had to change.

"Look, I'll leave you alone about this if you just sing one song with me, okay?"  I asked, looking at her.  She rose an eyebrow, giving me a look that said, 'are you serious?' "Please?"  I gave her the puppy dog eyes, hoping they would work.  They worked on most girls...

"Fine,"  She huffed, making me smile. Score! "What song?"

"Just a Kiss by Lady Antebellum," I answered, pulling out my phone, "One second."  If my plan was going to work, Serenity couldn't know about this.  I pulled up the recording app and pushed the red circle.  "Ready?"  She nodded, her face going pale.  My gut clinched a bit, but I tried telling myself she would be fine.

As she sang, I was once again gobsmacked by her voice.  She sounded like a super star, her voice didn't even need auto tune.  When the song came to an end I quickly pulled out my phone again, stopping the recording. 

"Is something wrong?"  Serenity asked, making me jump a little bit.  If she found out about this before I planned, she would be pissed.  Actually, she would be pissed anyway, but if she found out at that exact moment, I would be screwed.

"No," I said quickly, pulling up a text message box.  I selected Andrew's, Scott's, and Tristan's contacts, skipping Vincents, because I knew he still needed to calm down.

Meet me at my house in twenty, urgent.

Hopefully the boys wouldn't ask questions, I needed them to be there.  It was important.  This had to work, it needed to work.

Time for an intervention.


Authors Note: Sorry it's short! I've decided to do short chapters once a week instead of medium chapters once a month...I think it will work out for everyone.

Song on the side is Just a Kiss by Lady Antebellum------>

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Love you!

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