Extra: Dada Kakashi

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Inamake giggled as I caught him in the air.

"Weeeee!" I smiled and tossed him back into the air.

"Hehehe!" The seven month year old giggled and fell back into my hands. "Mama!" He squealed and reached out to me. "Awww!" I cooed and hugged him, he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"(Y/N)?" A voice calls out as, I hear the sound of a door closing.

Kakashi's home.

I smiled and poked Inamake's stomach, "In your room!" I called out.

After Kakashi took me in when I revealed I was pregnant, he gave me his bed and he sleeps on a pallet he made.

"Ah... Home sweet home." Kakashi muttered, taking his shoes off and sitting them next to the front door.

I slowly walked inside and looked around, his apartment was small. A bedroom, kitchen/dining room, and a bathroom.

I took my shoes off and looked around. "You don't have much space Kakashi. I can always you know... Go home and take care of myself." I suggested, glancing at him.

He shook his head.

"No, I won't allow that, come on you'll sleep in my room." He led me to his small room. But, I'm not one to complain, since it has a bed that seems comfy.

"What? Kakashi I can't sleep in your room! I don't want to feel like a burden..." I sighed.

"Calm down. You should worry about yourself for now. I'll make a pallet on the floor." He said and put my bags down in his room.


"I'll make some hot soba later when I'm done, is that good?" He asked.

I sighed and nodded.

I looked up and smiled at Kakashi as he walked into the room.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"It was good, didn't even do much." He said and walked over to the bed I slept on, as he took off his ANBU mask.

Inamake gasped out of happiness and reached out to Kakashi. Kakashi chuckled, and picked up Inamake after putting down his mask.

"Inamake, did you miss Kakashi?" I asked. Inamake nodded, with a huge smile. Kakashi sat down next to me on the bed and sat Inamake on his lap.

"Did Inamake say anything else today?" Kakashi asks and looks at me.

"Just mama and yes." I replied.

"Ah, that's still something." He chuckled and held Inamake up, making sure he doesn't fall.

"Well, maybe he can try saying your name." I suggested and looked at him.

"Hm." He hummed and lifted up Inamake, so they can look each other in the eyes.

"What should he call me for a six month old?" He asked.

"Maybe... Kaka like mama! Sounds super similar!" I cheered, it sounded like a good idea in my head. I would say Kashi, but I don't know if that's going to be easy enough for him yet.

"Hm... Inamake can you say... Kaka?" He asked.

"Mama?" He tilted his head slightly to the left and looked at me.

I giggled and shook my head.





That went on for several more minutes, until Inamake started to whine for not getting it right.

"I-Inamake! It's okay!" I smiled and patted his back.

"You don't have to say Kaka. You can call Kakashi anything that you can try and say." I said and rubbed his back.

He sniffled and looked up at Kakashi.

Inamake stared at Kakashi intensely, "Um... I'm getting creeped out." Kakashi muttered.

"I think he's thinking of something. I think he really wants to call you something." I said and watched him.

"Oh. Well, can he not stare?" He looked at me.

"Ah, don't be a baby Kakashi." I chuckled.

"Mama." Inamake said and looked at me.

"Yes, Inamake?" I asked.

He smiles and pats Kakashi.

"Dada." He said proudly.

I jumped a little bit. I was surprised. Inamake called Kakashi Dada.

I wish Kakashi wasn't the one you called Dada, Inamake...

"Good job, Inamake, I'm proud of you." Kakashi said, he seemed unfazed from being called Dada. I mean, his mask was covering his mouth, so I don't know how he really was feeling.

I sighed, but smiled at my son.

"I'm proud too."

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