Stay Please

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I glared at Itachi, as Inamake stood in between us. "Stay please (Y/N)." He said. "How can I stay!? When Inamake could've been killed!" I shouted. "Mom..." Inamake said. "Please go to your room and start packing, I think it's time to go home." I said, and looked at him. He looked at both of us, and sighed heading to his room. I turned my attention back to Itachi, I was furious. "I knew this was a bad idea! I shouldn't have listened to you! This was a mistake!" I said. "I'm sorry for putting, Inamake in danger, but all this wouldn't happen if you told me." He said. "TOLD YOU!??!?! YOU LEFT!!!! Not a peep! No goodbye, no wave, nothing." I said. He sighed. "Yea, I know you killed your whole clan. Yea, Inamake now knows too. No secrets. Every single reason why, I didn't want Inamake to know about or be around you, this is why." I said. "You killed his grandmother and grandfather. Mikoto was the only one, that supported me. She bought baby clothes, baby supplies, everything for Inamake."

"She was always a good mother..." He said. "(Y/N)... All I want for you to do is stay. I'm sorry for putting Inamake in danger. Give me one more chance." He said. "One more...? Didn't you already say that? 'Oh, give me one more chance, bring Inamake to the cabin so we can spend time as a family.'" I glared. I sighed, and faced away from him.

 "Kakashi had to take care of me... He dealt with my hormones, my cravings, he even went to the doctor with me. He acted like a real father to Inamake. When Inamake was younger, the first thing he called Kakashi, was dada. That made me happy, but there was still that aching feeling in my heart, like I was empty. Like for my family to be complete was to bring the father into the family, but I told myself. How? I didn't know where you were, what you were doing, who you were with, or who you were. I was confused, should tell my son, his father is evil and killed his clan and grandparents or just tell my son the good things about his father, what he was." I said.

Itachi was quiet, I knew my words broke him. Broke his heart, but I had enough. "Inamake! Are you packed!?" I asked/shouted. "Yea!" He said shouting back. "Good---." "Please... (Y/N)... I'm begging you... I will get on my knee's, cry, hold on to your legs, tell you how much I need you... Inamake... Our family in my life, how dedicated I would be, if you would stay. I will do anything." He said. "Even quit the Akatsuki?" I asked.


Words fallen on to deaths ears.

"I thought so." I said, Inamake had both of ours bags. His and mines. I grabbed my bag. "Let's go." I said, and we both left. I didn't dare to turn around, cause if I did. I would be running back to him comforting him, telling him it's gonna be okay, we're gonna be okay, we'll get through this together, we can be a family like we dreamed of, I would say, I love you. I would be in tears, breaking down, cause right now. He's crying, but no sound has came out of his mouth. This is the first time he'd cried. Ever. This broke my heart, only way it could be healed. Is if I could be with Itachi once again, but I will not allow myself to do that again.

Me and Inamake were back at home now. It's been a few days, since we left. Kakashi have been helping me, he's very supportive. I told him everything that happened, he's very trustworthy. Kakashi has been a good friend.


[Inamake POV]

I looked at the note.

Inamake, meet me at the cliff at six o'clock.

It was from my father, or known as Itachi. I looked at the clock, and it was five forty [5:40], I got ready to go. "Mom! I'm going to go visit Uncle Naruto!" I shouted, heading towards the door. "Alright! Be back before dark!" She shouted back from her room. She's been so sad lately, but Uncle Kakashi, have been comforting her.

I opened the door, and walked out closing the door behind me. I then dashed towards the meeting area. In no time I made it. I walked up to the top of the cliff, coming into view I saw a cloak with big red clouds on it. Then I got closer. The person turned around, revealing... My dad. "Inamake... You actually came." He said. "Yes, but I came here for mom. She's hurt." I said. "I know, I know her like I know myself. I want to make it up to her, but there's nothing I can do." He said.

I huffed and frowned, "YOU CALLED ME HERE JUST TO SAY YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING!?!??!" I yelled. He sighed. "Look! I love my mother! It hurts me just to see her not smile! We gotta do something!" I said. "What's your plan then?" He asked.

"No... You tell me... This is your mistake... What's the one thing she asked of you to do?" I asked

"Quit... Quit the Akatsuki." He said. "But, that's something I can't just do. If I quit, they will come after the village, and will come after me."

"Get the village, the hokage on your side then. We'll be prepared." I told him. "Then, run to her, hold her in your arms, tell her everything alright, cry in front of her, tell her everything you love about her, be there for her, and promise every single promise that you will keep. Give your heart to her." I said.

He chuckled, "Your mother, raised you well. Thank you, Inamake." He said. I nodded, and turned around. "See you later... Dad." I said, and disappeared into the night.

[Almost 1000 words, wow. I think this book is gonna end soon... I might make a second book...]

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