My Family (Itachi POV)

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It was morning. (Y/N) was up making breakfast, as me and Inamake were sitting in the living room talking about fighting. I told Inamake what to do in a fight and what not to do. Some tactics also. Then I saw Inamake get up and go to the kitchen. I was curious what he was doing until he came back, sat down and smiled. "She's still cooking, so tell me somethings." He said. "Like what?" I asked. "Tell me how different my mom was in the past. When she was younger." He said. I nodded.

"Well, she was more goofy. Never took anything serious, and she was never prepared. Like in school. She always forgot something, so I always brought extra things." I said.

"What about my father? Shouldn't he be bringing my mother things? Didn't they date through academy?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yes, but I never met your father, so I don't know much." I said. Inamake nodded. "Did other boy's like my mother?" He asked. I nodded. "Yea. Loads of boy's had their eye on your mother, but as I remember her telling me. She only liked special boys." I said.


I watched as another boy bought (Y/N) flowers and candy. Which she denied, again. I watched as she played with the necklace I gave her. I saw her smile, which made me smile. I got up, and went over to (Y/N). She smiled at me. "Hey Itachi!" She said happily. "Hey (Y/N)." I said, and kissed her cheek. I sat next to her on the bench she was sitting on. "I have a question to ask you." I said. She nodded and looked at me. "Why did you accept my gift? Why didn't you accept those other boys gift?" I asked. "Ah! Because, I love special boys. Special boys, are different from society, and they are just different." She said. "But, boys at school. Are judgmental, stupid, and don't know any better. I hate that. You are special. Your not judgmental, brilliant, and you have manners. That's why I chose you Itachi and that's why I love you! AND I DON'T CARE WHO KNOWS!" She shouted excitedly, catching stares from a few people. I chuckled, and pulled her back down. "I love you too, (Y/N)." I said and smiled at her.

~Flashback Over~

"Itachi?" I turned around and saw (Y/N) standing at the kitchen door. "Breakfast is ready." She smiled kindly. I nodded and stood up walking into the kitchen with her.

[Skip breakfast]

(Y/N) and Inamake played around outside. I sat on the porch and sighed happily. "Ah! Itachi come play with us!" Inamake shouted. I chuckled and I looked and saw (Y/N) smiling. "Yea! Come on!" She said. I chuckled again, and stood up walking over to them. They were playing in the small lake. (Y/N) was in a swimsuit as Inamake was also. I sat by the lake, as I watch the two splash one another with water. (Y/N) turned to me. "Your not playing." She said and pouted. Inamake laughed, as I watched her swim over. "Come in~." She said. I shook my head, "I have no swim trunks." I said. She laughed, "You don't need any!" She said, taking my hands and pulling me into the water. I swam up to the top of the water.

Inamake and (Y/N) laughed. This made me feel happy.

Seeing (Y/N) happy, made me feel happy and have butterflies in my belly.

Seeing my son, Inamake happy made me want to smile.

I couldn't help but laugh with them. The girl that I grew to love everyday I see her, splashed me. I laughed, and splashed her back. Which turned into a whole splash war. "Ah! I forgot I brought something!" (Y/N) said getting out of the lake. I sighed a bit, "Mom is so fun!" Inamake said, floating around me in the water.

I nodded agreeing. "Does she make you feel...Happy?" Inamake asked. I nodded, "She makes me really happy..." I said. He laughs and smiles. I look and see (Y/N) run out, she reaches the lake and holds up a camera. "I wanna take a picture." She said happily. "Lets do it!" Inamake said getting out the lake. I got out, as (Y/N) placed the camera on a nearby tree stump. She pressed a button, and jumped into the picture.

Then the flash went off. I smiled, as (Y/N) grabbed the camera. She showed me and Inamake. Inamake was doing a silly face, (Y/N) was mid way in the air, and I have face palmed. This made me smile. [This is a camera, when the photo comes out of it, and you have to wait for it to be perfect. Ya know what I mean?]

My family...

"I'm gonna frame this when we get home." She said, picking up the camera. "I'm gonna go and shower!" Inamake said running inside. I smiled, and turned to (Y/N) taking her hand. "Itachi...?" She said. I smiled, and pecked her lips. "I love my family." I said, she laughed. "I love my family also." She said.

I sighed happily as we both walked inside hand in hand.

[I have a new schedule for this book. I'll update twice or three times each month, like probably at night. Or until August when I'm gonna need to make a new one, cause everything starts up.]

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