Playing Cupid (Inamake POV) [Part One]

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I yawned, as I got out of bed. Got ready for the day. I sighed and looked around the house for my mom or Itachi. I then heard laughter. I looked outside and saw Itachi holding my mom, as they were staring at the lake. They looked... Adorable together. I smiled to myself, as an idea popped into my head.

They looked happy together... What if? I helped them become a couple! I smiled, and patted myself, as I started to get to work. I went into the kitchen, and pulled out ingredients to make breakfast. Auntie Sakura, taught me how to make shaped pancakes. I smiled, as I started to make pancakes, eggs, sausages, and bacon. The pancakes were heart-shaped, with (F/F) [Favorite Fruit] toppings. I smiled, and I placed two plates with the breakfast on it, on the table. I then looked around for some candles. I looked in a closet and found different varieties of candles. I picked up three candles, that smelt like (F/F) [Favorite Flower]. I nodded to myself, and I placed the candles on the table. I looked around for a match, and I found a pack. I grabbed it, and I lit one lighting all the candles.

I then looked out the window, and saw the two getting ready to come inside. I ran out of the kitchen, and hid in my room. Quickly got under the sheets, and started to fake a light snore.

"What is this?" I heard my mother say.

"I don't know..." Itachi said.

"Is Inamake awake?" He asked

"I'll check." She said.

I heard footsteps coming towards my room. "Inamake...?" I heard her say. I started to fake snore a bit more. "He's asleep." She said. "Who made this then?..." She asked. I then quickly got out of bed. I did that technique mom showed me. I hid my chakra, so no one can sense it. I then peaked into the room, and saw them eating together.

I smiled to myself, feeling accomplished. I smiled to myself. "This was really good, and I loved how the pancakes looked like hearts." My mom said. Itachi nodded. I then, made my chakra detectable as I walked into the kitchen. "Good morning mom, Itachi." I said and smiled at the two.

"Inamake? Did you make this breakfast?" My mother asked me. I nodded excitedly. "You like it? It taste good? Does it taste...Romantic?" I said. Itachi chuckled. "U-Um...." She said. "Who taught you how to make pancakes, and stuff like this?" She asked changing the subject. I frowned.

"Auntie Sakura! Now... I have a whole day planned out!" I said, and smiled at the two adults. Itachi looked at me and then my mom. "Now, you two just sit here, and just what does Naruto call it..... Ah! FLIRT!" I shouted, and ran outside.

[Your POV]

"Flirt?" I ask looking at Itachi.

"Your beautiful." He says. I blush slightly.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Doing what Inamake said...I've never flirted before." Itachi says.

"Ummm...." I blush.

Itachi smiles and chuckles.

[Inamake POV]

I smiled, as I saw my mom's face turn red, and saw Itachi smiling. "IT'S WORKING!" I shouted. I then looked at the setting. I laid down a blanket, and some deserts, and it looked absolutely romantic. [How does he do it? Maybe? He is cupid? DUN DUN DUUUUUNNNNN] I then went inside, and took both of their hands. "Now you two love birds~! Eat, kiss, um...What does Naruto call it? Ah SEX!" I shouted happily.

I saw both of their faces turn red. "I'm.Gonna.Kill.My.Cousin." My mom said blushing. I smiled, as I ushered them over to the blanket. "Sit, sit. Get romantic~." I said, and smiled leaving the two alone.

I patted myself, feeling proud. Time for the magic to work~.

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