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"ADALYN WAKE UP!" Chandler yells. I look over to my clock . It's two in the morning.
"What, Chandler," I sigh and sit up.
"Alexander is missing," he chokes a bit on his words. We may have only known him for a short time, but he's my brother.
I shoot up our of bed an run to Alexander's room, expecting to see him sleeping peacefully. There's no note anywhere.
"Mom! Dad!" I yell and run into their rooms.
"I've checked every where, I don't see him!" Chandler rushes into the room next to me.
"Honey, what are you talking about," mom turns on her bedside lamp and I hear fear laced in her voice.
"We can't find Alexander anywhere!" Chandler says and breaks down. They must have gotten really close.
I don't realize I'm crying until I feel a teardrop land onto my collar bone. I don't even care that I'm out here in a tank top and gym shorts right now. My brother is missing. My blood brother.

"Maybe he went out for a walk, let's not assume the worst ," mom tried to stay calm, but I know that she's going to break soon.
"Y-yeah," I stutter and walk back into my room and try to fall asleep. But, I fail. Maybe Lucas is still awake.

A: Are you still awake ? :(
L: I am now. What's wrong babe ?
A: We can't find Alexander.
L: Do you want me to come over ? It's not a big deal.
A: Please, I just need somebody :(
L: I'll be over in a minute. Love you:
Did he just say he loves me? I'm not ready to say it, so I won't. I don't fully understand the meaning of love.
Next thing I know, Lucas is tumbling through my window. He closes my window back and drops a bag on the floor.
"Hey, babe," he smiles and kisses me on the cheek.
"I've got sour patch kids, Girl Scout cookies, chips, Arizona teas, and some more random stuff," he says and dumps it on my bed.
"How do you still have Girl Scout cookies? I eat mine in like a week. And it's not the end of February," I laugh and he joins me.
"My mom freezes them," he states and opens a box of Samoas.
"These are like heaven in a cookie," he shoves two into his mouth and hands me one. I used to be a Girl Scout, so I know.
I eat the one he hands me and reach for an Arizona green tea. These things are bæ.
"You wanna watch a movie?" I ask. He nods his head and hands me a movie he got from redbox. Oh my gosh... it's Pitch Perfect.
"Really, Pitch Perfect," I bust out laughing. I hope I don't wake my mom...
"So, what all do y'all know about Alexander?" he asks.
"Just that he's not here," I sigh and look down. Lucas grabs my hand hands me a box of Thin Mints.
"You look like you could drown your sorrow in chocolate mint cookies," he says.
"Thank you, Lucas," I smile and kiss his cheek. He puts on the movie and we eat everything in sight.
During the middle of the movie I begin to fall asleep.
"Go to sleep, Ady. You've had a rough month," he says.
I wake up the next morning at seven. Why! I look down on the floor and there's Lucas. I poke his side and he groans and swats my hand away.
"Lucas waaaake uuup," I groan and roll off the bed. I start to laugh really hard and he wakes up.
"How'd you sleep?" I ask.
"Your floor is surprisingly comfortable," he smiles and kisses my forehead.
"I'm going to brush my teeth," I tell him and waddle off the bathroom. Why waddle? Because I can. And I have to pee really bad.
I go through a morning routine and return to my room I discover Lucas missing. He must be looking for food.
I walk downstairs and see Lucas talking to my crying mom. Alexander must have not come back.
"Adalyn, he's still not here," she starts to cry harder and Lucas comforts her. He really is a good boyfriend.
"Babe, will you fix your mom something to eat while she gets dressed? I'll go get Chandler and call the police," he asks.
I nod my head and walk over to the pantry. What to cook? I decide on cinnamon toast, eggs, bacon, and orange juice. Well, I didn't make orange juice. But that does sound fun to do.
I set her plate on the dining room table and eat a piece of cinnamon toast before telling her that the food is ready and I'm going to change.
I change into gym shorts and a t-shirt and put my hair into a ponytail. When I go back downstairs, the LaBrants are here and they all look sad.
"Adalyn, how are you holding up?" Mr. Ken asks me.
I sigh before answering," I'm doing a lot better than I thought. I'm just trying to not assume the worst."
He agrees with what I say and I sit by Clay, which happens to be the only spot left.
"Guys, later today we should go swim and try to not think about this," Cole suggests.
I remember the last time we went swimming. Clay was so nice to me. What happened to that?
Every body agrees and the police show up shortly. My mom informs me that Lucas left ten minutes ago because his mom called him and needed him home right then. I hope I didn't get him in trouble.
"Hello, I'm Officer Hall," he walks in and oh my gosh he looks like an older version of Lucas.
We go through the missing person stuff and so on. I wasn't expecting to deal with this.
An hour later, everything is sorted out and we all had separate little interviews about the last time we saw Alexander.
I hope we find him and he comes home. This is his real home.

I Found You // Clay LaBrantDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora