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Chapter 6

Adalyn, Chandler, and Alexander," mom started to speak, "I owe all of you an explanation. Your father and I both do."

I feel the tension in the air and I already know that this won't turn out so well. Chandler looks enraged and Alexander is at the edge of his seat.

"When are you going to start talking? You've caused us enough pain, so it won't hurt for you to tell us this," Chandler has a heavy attitude with his question and statement.

"When your mother found out she was pregnant with you guys, she was thrilled. But, she thought that she only had one of you inside of her. Then she learned there were four." our father started to speak. He stopped for a minute. Tears filled the rims of his eyes.

There were four of us. What happened to the fourth? Was it a girl, or was it a boy?

"At six months pregnant, I was in a car crash and only three of you survived. The baby was a she. Her name was planned to be Kennedy." I can tell that it pains her to talk about Kennedy.

"You mother went into deep depression and since she couldn't work, we went into a financial crisis and then almost lost the house. So, the government didn't see us fit as parents," he finally broke down and tears fell down his cheeks.

"And then when Jazmine came around, the crisis was worst with money and we could barely afford food, let alone baby diapers and clothes. So, she was taken away from us. Our whole adult life as parents had been taken away from us. It was all too much for us. Then, we were able to get Jazmine back. Slowly and steadily we were able to get on track with money and then three years later, we finally got you guys back," mom finished speaking and comforted her husband.

So, she didn't chose to give us up.

"We were each told different things about you guys. To Adalyn, you were dead. To Alexander you were rich snobby people who didn't want children. Then, I was told that that there were only two of us and that you couldn't keep children in your home. I guess that's sort of true," Chandler spoke.

"Guys, I think you've caused your mother and me a little too much pain tonight. So, could you go to your rooms and we'll order pizza?" father asked. We all agreed and walked away from our parents and Chandler and Alexander followed me to my room.

"Can we hang in here?" Alexander asked. I nod my head and sit on the window seal.

"So, how was life in Louisiana?" Alexander asks me.

"A lie," I reply. It's the truth. What they told me to believe my whole life, was a complete lie. Chandler and Alexander just stayed quiet.

The silence didn't last long until I spoke again, "I wonder what life would be with Kennedy."

They both look at me and still keep quiet. This time the silence is disrupted by my phone ringing. It's Brady.

"Why the face?" Chandler asks.

"Ex-boyfriend," I sigh and lay my phone on the floor. Chandler takes it and answers.

"Hello," he speaks into the phone. I can already tell Brady will be confused.

"Yes, yes. She has moved on," Chandler says about four minutes into the conversation.

"No, she rather not speak to you," he continues. Chandler does his best to keep in his laugh as he speaks with Brady.

When the conversation is over, Chandler hands me back my phone.

"Pretty boy was a little jealous," he sits down and then describes the conversation to Alexander and me.

"ALEXANDER, CHANDLER, ADALYN, COME DOWN HERE!" our father yells. I follow the boys downstairs and I see a boy about the age of 19 and a girl who looks about the same age.

"Guys, I would like you to meet Brennin, and her boyfriend John Stephen. Brennin is Jazmine's babysitter, and we would like you to meet her and John Stephen," our dad speaks.

"Hi!" Brennin smiles excitedly and hugs me. I hug her back awkwardly and she hugs the boys too.

"Instead of pizza, we decided to invite them and we could go bowling. The LaBrant family is coming, too. Then Cole and Clay are bringing friends, too. I don't know about Jack, though," mom explains. "So, go get ready!"

Brennin follows me up to my room and helps me pick out an outfit. Before long, we're talking like we've known each other for months.

"I can tell you have a crush on Clay," Brennin brought up the subject of Clay.

"How?" I ask. She looks at me with a smirk before answering.

"I saw your smile when your parents mentioned Clay's name," she laughs and throws a shirt at me to try on.

"Yeah, he's cute, but I only met him. So, I can't have 'feelings' for somebody I barely know," I explain to Brennin.

We change the subject and I put on a cute tank top with shorts and shoes. It's simple, but cute. Brennin is really good at picking clothes.

"How long have you and John Stephen been going out?" I ask.

"Three years," Brennin explains to me.

"Y'all are cute together," I tell her. She doesn't say anything, but the blush is evident on her cheeks.

"So, back to you and Clay. Have y'all hung out yet?" she asks. Have we? I don't think him walking home with me and fixing Jazmine lunch counts. Or, does it?

"It does count, kind of," Brennin laughs.

"Wait, I said that out loud?" I ask. She laughs again and nods her head. John Stephen is lucky because she is seriously pretty and nice.

"But, I just moved here. How can I have feelings for him?" I ask Brennin another questions.

She shrugs her shoulders before answering, "sometimes, you just know."

"We might want to get downstairs and meet the boys and your parents before they think we got lost in makeup, too." she adds.

I tell Brennin I'll meet her downstairs in a minute. I just need to sit and think. I've been doing that a lot lately.

With all of this new information, I don't need a 'boyfriend' in the loop to deal with. Time to forget about Clay.


I Found You // Clay LaBrantOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant