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I sigh and walk downstairs to join Chandler and Alexander for breakfast. Both boys eat their cereal and don't say a word, which is unusual for the two.

It's been a couple weeks since the incident and everyone went home. Everything has calmed down and I'm great full for that. No drama. All happiness with rainbows and flowers.

"Lucas is picking you up in an hour!" my mom screams from the top of the staircase and I know that's my sign to eat quickly and take a shower. I forgot that I was going to the park or somewhere with Lucas today.

I finish off my cereal and quickly hop up the stairs two by two. I'm actually kind of excited.
I go through the long process of a girl getting ready and right when I brush through the last strand of hair, my mom informs me of Lucas' arrival.
I grab my phone and walk down the staircase. Ugh, stairs. Lazy kids don't like stairs. Yet, I ran up them. I'm so weird.
"Hey, Addy," Lucas smiles and greets me with the newfound nickname.
"Hey, Lucas," I hop off the last step and stumble onto the ground. We both burst out laughing and he helps me up.
"Ready?" he asks. I nod and quickly tell my mom goodbye.
"Where are we going?" I ask Lucas when we get into his car, although I already know the answer.
"I thought maybe I could finally show you around town and then we could go eat at Olive Garden." Well, I was wrong.
"Sounds good," I smile and sooner or later we're parked at a mall.
"The mall should be a good start, eh?" he asks. I nod my head and we both get out of the car.
He looks so nervous, it's adorable. As we walk through the parking lot he begins to reach for my hand, but pulls it back.
I laugh at his nervous gesture and grab his hand. He looks down at me and smiles. Wow, I'm really short.
"You don't have to be nervous,Lucas. I don't bite," I laugh he does too before speaking.
"I guess I've never felt like this in such a short period of time and I'm scared of messing things up," he bites his lip and looks down.
"You won't mess up," I assure him and step on my tipi toes and kiss his cheek. Did I just go too far ?
His tanned cheeks turn a little brighter and looks down at the cement of the parking lot. We enter the mall and are bombarded with people who know Lucas. High school friends, I assume.
"Hey, Vicki," he smiles to a girl with platinum blonde hair and bright green eyes. Wow, she's pretty.
"Hey, Luke," she smiles brightly at him.
"Vicki, this is my girlfriend, Adalyn. Adalyn, this is my best friend, Victoria. But, we call her Vicki," Lucas introduces us.
I smile politely at her, but I can see a hint of falseness in her attitude. Jealousy, maybe ? Nah.
"Well, I'll see you later, Vicki," he smiles and we begin to walk away.
"Where to first ?" Lucas asks.
"Hmm, I don't know. You pick," I decide. He stops for a minute before biting his lip again. He must do that when he is nervous or thinking. Or both.
"How about we stop by the bookstore. I know you love books. Or, the music shoppe," he suggests.
"You pick," I tell him. He nods his head before leading us towards Books-A-Million.
"I'll get you anything you want," he offers.
"Nooo," I whine and laugh. Wow that just sound weird.
"You don't have to get me anything, Lucas," I tell him.
"Nope, I have to get you something. After all, I kind of helped ruin your birthday party.
"How about this,since I know you won't give up; you pick out something you think I'd like and I'll wait out here," I suggest. He bites his lip again before agreeing.
"Now, I won't tell you the price," he says before walking away.
Can I just deny everything? Probably not.
"Hey, Adalyn," someone says. I look behind me to see Clay standing there, alone.
"Oh, hey, Clay," I narrow my eyes, but it probably didn't work.
"Are you still mad at me?" he asks. Wait, why would I be mad.
"I don't know," I say before turning back around.
"C'mon, Ady," he whines and walks in front of me.
"Look, Clay, I'm waiting on Lucas. Calm your man tits and leave me alone," I sigh before walking off to find Lucas.
"But, Adalyn," he calls out.
I ignore him and walk down a couple isles before I find Lucas.
"Hey, you alright?" he asks me and sets down whatever he was holding.
"Clay just aggravates me," I tell him. Lucas laughs before hugging me and kissing my cheek.
"He's just a big jerk," Lucas says and moves his hair out of his face.
"Oh, I picked this out," he says before handing me a bag. He must have already bought it, but went looking for me when I walked away from Clay.
"You really didn't have to, Lucas. But, thanks," I smile and grab his hand.
"You wanna go ahead and get food ?" he asks. It's only ten-thirty, but okay.
"I know it's only ten thirty, but it takes about thirty minutes to get there and I'm starving," he laughs. His laugh is like a symphony. So is Clay's. What?
"Yeah, sure," I smile and we walk out the store hand in hand.


ugh, small chapter. ugh, it's taken me soooo long to update. omg I've missed you guis.
Feedback below pleaaaaase. I LOVE YOU AND I WILL FEED YOU SMORES. I really want pizza.
who does thou ship? Comment below.

4 comments, 20 reads for chapter 16!

I Found You // Clay LaBrantWhere stories live. Discover now