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Chapter 8

Why did I agree to this? Oh yeah, because I thought I would have fun getting on Clay's nerves. Well, now he's annoying me. His friends are adding along to the annoyance, too.

"Why are you here?" Matthew asked. I roll my eyes and scroll down Instagram. Sam has been the only nice one here, so far. He'll probably be corrupted soon enough. The only happy feeling that I've had this whole time is texting Lucas. And that will probably end soon.

"I set up a separate air mattress for you, so you won't have to deal with the boys in a bed with you, Mrs. Sheri comes in and explains. I thank her and she walks out of the living room quietly.

"She even gets her own bed!" Clay whines before speaking again. I ignore his words and before I know it, they have a movie on. I look up to see Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

"Is this a Harry Potter movie night?" I just ask, not caring who answers.

"No, we just put on the first Harry Potter for nothing," Clay snarls. Somebody is snippy. But, seriously, who would just put on the first movie and not watch the rest of them?

Chandler looks up to me from the floor and speaks, "don't you love Harry Potter?" I nod my head and look at the screen. I really don't want to speak to him. My phone goes off in the opening credits and Matthew takes my phone from me since he's sitting right next to me.

"Lucas, oh, Lucas. I looove you," he laughs and throws my phone at Clay. Why Clay? Oh yeah, that's Matthew's best friend.

"Oh, I'm just at some annoying sleepover, what about yoouuu," Clay draws out the vowels in my text messages from Lucas. I did a great job on locking my phone before Matthew took it. Well, I couldn't help it. Who knew that he would take it? Oh yeah, he did.

Clay continues to scroll until he sees where Lucas wanted to take me on a walk at the park. I only know he found that because he has been reading our messages out loud. We've gotten through like ten minutes of the movie and Clay is continuing to look through my messages.

It goes off again, but I see from over here on the couch that Macey is calling me. Clay answers the phone and walks out the room. Did he just take my phone? Ugh. I walk out of the room and snatch my phone from Clay's hand.

I tell Macey that I'll call her later and storm back into the living room to finish the movie. I wish I didn't agree to come. I rather be in my room sleeping or reading. But, I chose a different option. A stupid one, at that.

"Why don't we play truth or dare. It should be interesting since we have a female here, tonight," Clay laughs and suggests. I roll my eyes and agree to the game. I don't know why, but I agree.

"I'll go first," Matthew smiles and says my name out loud. Why was I picked to go first?

"Truth or dare," he smiles mischievously. He looks like a creeper, like seriously.

"Dare," where did that come from? I just said dare, when it would have been better to pick truth.

"I dare you to kiss Clay," Matthew smiled. This is so childish.

"What are you, ten?" I ask Matthew.

"What are you, chicken?" he asks. I roll my eyes and look at Clay. I scoot over to him and kiss him, it takes him by surprise. But, it's only a little peck, so it doesn't bother me. But, somehow, in that little peck, I felt something. No I didn't. I sound like a love-struck teenager.

I silently scooch back to my spot on the couch and watch the rest of the game go down. I chose not to play anymore; it's simply because I don't want to deal with these immature teenagers. After the game, the boys decide on leaving me out. I'm slightly hurt. Only because my brother, who was so sweet to me, is being mean and leaving me out. He's playing along with the other boys.

I sit on the bed that Mrs. Sheri set up for me and I scroll through Instagram, as usual. I guess I'm addicted to Instagram. Nothing on there seems eye catching, so I lock my phone and lie on the bed. This is extremely boring. I start to feel myself drift off to sleep, but I jolt back up when somebody jumps on the air mattress.

I look up to see Chandler smiling brightly. The boys are up to something, but I don't know what.

"Clay and Matthew cooked a pizza. They were hungry. Do you want some?" he spoke. I look at him cautiously before standing up and walking slowly to the kitchen.

I'm taken by surprise when I'm met with tomato paste on my face. I wipe it off of my eyes and see the boys laughing.

"Looks like fatty wanted some food!" Clay laughs. Sam looks over at me apologetically and Chandler is standing towards the side with a blank expression. I storm out of the room and find the bathroom. It's eleven; too late to call my mom. I lock the door and wash the paste off of my face.

I have no idea, but I'm hurt by his comment, 'fatty,'

I'm not fat, but when somebody tells me that I'm fat, I tend to believe it. Why am I letting him get to me? Nobody else has before.

The only real time that I have cried over a boy is when Brady broke up with me, and I rather not think of that time. Although, it was only a couple weeks ago; days, actually.

I recollect myself before exiting the bathroom. They won't bring me down. I'm not dealing with a bunch of jerks tonight.

I Found You // Clay LaBrantNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ