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It's four a.m. and I'm no where to being asleep. I can't stop thinking about what Hannah has done. Well, I assume that it's Hannah. She was my caretaker. I have found trouble while visiting here. Well, I live here now.

What do I have to do tomorrow? Wait, what is tomorrow? Well, technically today. It is four something in the morning. Actually, every day is today. I NEED TO STOP CONFUSING MYSELF. It's hard to deal with myself sometimes.

I get up from my bed and dodge the sleeping bodies on the floor. I walk down to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of milk and pull out a cookie mix. I cook when I'm restless. I know, weird.

"What are you doing?" I hear a voice. I look behind me to see a sleepy Clay. I forgot the boys are sleeping over with Chandler and Alexander. In their rooms, of course.

"I'm baking," I reply and pour the mix into a bowl.

"C-can I help?" he asks, nervously. I nod my head and walk over to the fridge. I'm too annoyed to fight with Clay tonight.

"Mix in two eggs," I sigh and let him do that.

"I'm sorry, Adalyn," Clay puts the eggs down and looks straight at me.

"No you're not, Clay," I sigh and put the eggs in for him. Well, I crack them first. Nobody wants eggshells in their cookies! That's just nasty.

"If I wasn't sorry, would I do this," Clay stops me from mixing the batter and kisses me. I'm only fifteen, I shouldn't be kissing anybody. But, I kiss him back.

No! I feel like a thot. I'm only fifteen! I've stressed that enough. Clay breaks away and smiles. His teeth really do look like vampire teeth. The sad part is, I felt something in that kiss. I shouldn't, though.

"How about we finish these cookies!" I suggest, trying to ignore the subject of Clay kissing me.

"Yeah, cookies," he sighs and helps me finish the recipe. His face is unforgettable. It looked hurt, but he's a jerk and I'm not dealing with him. I have Lucas. What am I saying? He probably doesn't like me back.

I'm so confused. I never thought that my life would be this difficult. It's not difficult. Just.. confusing. Everything to me is confusing.

I sigh and set the oven for the cookies. This sixteen minutes is going to be long. Nothing like awkward tension in the air with a male. Or any person, at that.

-----Sixteen Minutes Later

The cookies are ready and everybody else, except my parents, is awake! I guess we won't have any cookies left after tonight. We all talk for a little bit and chew the gooey cookies. These are amazing!

"So, what did you two do while we were asleep?" Peyton wiggled her eyebrows. I look at Clay with a face of disgust and then tell her we did nothing. I'll have to tell the girls when we get back in my room.

Lucas looks at us a little uneasily, but eats his cookie. Wait, he stayed over? I check the time and it's about four something. I forget after I read times.

"I'm going back to bed," I sigh and rinse out my milk cup. The girls follow me back to my room and request the details. They know that I was lying.

"I saw the look Clay gave you and the look you gave him! Something happened!" Peyton starts to speak when we enter the room.

"He kissed me," I sigh and look down at my feet. I look up to see all the girls smiling brightly. I laugh at their facials and sit on my bed.

"Adalyn, can I talk to you?" theres a knock at my bedroom door. I sigh and walk to the hallway. Lucas is in his pyjama pants and he's fiddling with his fingers.

"Adalyn, uh, I don't know if you and Clay have something. But, if you don't, maybe you'd like to be my uh-" he stops mid sentence before trailing off.

"I'm sorry, this is stupid. Of course you have something going on with Clay," he sighs and then starts to walk away.

"Lucas, there's nothing going on with Clay and I," he smiles when I say this and he continues to talk.

"Will you be my girlfriend? I know we don't know eachother much, but maybe we could try it?" he asks. I nod my head and say yes. He smiles and then hugs me goodnight.

Why did I agree to this? Okay, I just met him. I have feelings for Clay. I have feelings for Lucas. OH MY GOSH! I'm only fifteen, should I even have a boyfriend? Here I go again, confusing myself.

I've found trouble.

Author's Note: Majorly short chapter, but I wanted to update some. I don't like leaving y'all without updates!

Buut, a Clay and Adalyn kiss! Lucas and Adalyn now 'dating'? Oh my. She has found trouble!

I Found You // Clay LaBrantTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon