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Chapter 5

Cole was the first to speak about our past. Chandler and Alexander both look so scared to find out what had happened, but my nerves are eating me up and I can't wait any longer. Plank, which I learned his name is Wright, and Light Skin were inside. I still don't know his name.

"They gave you up when you were first born," Cole started, but Jack stopped him.

"Guys, this is wrong. Their family should just tell them," Jack spoke.

I look at Jack for a moment and then speak, "they'll never tell us!"

"But, I know we promised that we would tell you, but it isn't right, Adalyn! We shouldn't be even telling you that we know, because we aren't supposed to know," Jack yells and storms into the house. Why is he all of a sudden so mad? He isn't the one who just found out about his parents being alive.

"Jack!" Cole yells and gets up from the concrete to follow him into the house.

"I LIKE FOOD!" Clay yells to break the awkward silence and jumps back into the pool. We all break into laughter and get back into the pool. Well, I don't get back into the pool. I check the time and tell everybody that I'm walking back to the house.

"I'll walk with you!" Clay yells before exiting the pool. He wraps a towel around himself and walks up beside me.

"Do you want to bring Jazmine with you?" Chandler asks. That must be her name. I nod my head and Clay picks her up. Its lunch time and she probably needs to go down for a nap.

"I have to fix her lunch anyway, so it's best she goes with me," I tell Chandler and Alex. I wave goodbye and Clay starts to walk with me.

"I'm sorry about earlier, Adalyn. But, Jack was right and he shouldn't have flipped out like that. I have no idea why his temper is so," Clay doesn't finish his sentence because Jazmine hits his knuts.

"I WANT FOOD!" she yells. Well, then. She's an angry child. Clay drops to the ground and holds his balls as Jazmine laughs.

"Aye, that was uncalled for," Clay says in between breaths. I'm glad that I don't have a thing, but vajinglejangle shots hurt, too.

I roll my eyes at Jazmine and help Clay up. How old is this thing anyway? Clay and I continue to walk hand in hand, as he is still limping from the crotch shot and Jazmine is running towards the house.

It takes us about ten minutes, but when we get there, Clay isn't limping. I unlock the house and walk into the kitchen. Jazmine runs up the stairs and Clay helps me fix sandwiches.

"She sure is a little devil, isn't she?" Clay laughs and finishes making his sandwich.

"I don't know why they kept that thing when they could have gotten us all back," I tell Clay. Before he can speak, Jazmine walks down and rips the sandwich out of Clay's grip. They have the worst child. They sure do know how to raise a child. How is she my sister?

"Aye, that's mine!" Clay yells and chases Jazmine around. She falls and starts to cry. I pick Jazmine up and put her in time out, which makes her cry even more. She refuses to stay, so I hold her there. I'm not dealing with a whiny baby.

When she stops crying, I put her down for a nap and join Clay in the kitchen.

"You didn't have to come with me," I tell Clay and sit with him. I've only known him for literally a day and I have feelings for him. It must be hormones.

"I didn't want to be there when Jack came back out," Clay replies to me, "I don't know why he got so mad."

I shrug my shoulders and give Clay half of my sandwich. We eat the halves and I leave Clay downstairs so that I can change. I sit on my bed for a minute and think. Brady is the first to come to mind.

As I'm thinking of him, my phone buzzes. I must have left it here. The caller ID is a number I deleted from my phone, one that I remember all too well. Brady.

I hit answer. I don't know why, honestly.

"Hello, Adalyn," he speaks.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"I'm sor-" I hang up before I realize my actions. I don't want to deal with him. This is all too much. I'm at my birth mother's house and Brady is trying to talk to me. I'm only fourteen and I feel like a lovesick puppy. A lonely one.

This is a lot to take in. I never realized that I would feel this way when I was forced to move down here. This entire day that I've been here has been spent trying to pry out the real truth of our separation at birth.

Why did they keep Jazmine? They could have gotten in contact with us. Do they want us as just a baby sitter for her?

In the midst of all of my thoughts, I realize that my birthday is in two weeks. I already miss my friends and we all agreed that we would go to the beach on my fifteenth birthday. I guess that isn't happening.

A knock on my door throws me back into reality and I watch the door open. I was expecting it to be Clay, but it's actually my mother.

"Adalyn, what's the matter?" she asks and sits beside me, "Clay went home, his mom called him."

"Why am I here?" I ask.

"Because I love you, sweetie," she lies.

"No, really, mom. Why did you give us up? Why are we back now?" I ask. I have so many questions.

"Adalyn, how about I tell you when all the boys are here?" she says. I nod my head and then speak, "can you make Jazmine behave more?"

She laughs and then pats my back.

"Jazmine was taken away from us last year because we were in a worse financial matter than we were when you were taken away, sweetie," she starts to cry. Did I cause this?

"C'mon let's get the boys and have a talk with your father."

I Found You // Clay LaBrantWhere stories live. Discover now