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Chapter 4

On the way to the house, it was quiet. An awkward silence filled the car. When we arrived, we all just stood there. It was quiet until Chandler spoke again. He wants to know why we were left at a young age. And to be honest, I do, too. I notice how big the house is and there's another child.

There's four of us. Maybe the fourth was born after or before us? She looks younger than us. This angers me. They can give us up, but have another child?

"Why?" Chandler asked and pointed to the little girl.

"Why, what?" the little girl snapped. Nuh uh, I can't live with this.

"Why did you keep her but get rid of us!" he spat. Our mother and father look at us with regret. When she looked at all of us, tears started to form.

"Look, we have company coming over in a little bit and I will not be disrespected in my household. So, go up to your rooms and change and do whatever you need," our real father spoke. We each went upstairs and walked into random rooms.

I think this is Chandler's room, simply because there is his name on a suitcase. Walking out, I discover that my room is across from him. At least I have my own room. If I was sharing a room with that little ignorant child, she wouldn't survive...

Children don't bother me until they start to be mean and rude. Chandler walks into my room shortly after I get settled in and sits on my bed.

"What do you think of this all?" he asks me. I shrug my shoulders and lean my head against the window that I'm sitting near.

"Chandler, they kept a child but they gave us up." I then ask, "Why are we here?" He sighs and sits by me on the window seal. We sit there for a minute until our mother walks into the room.

"Our guests are here," she speaks and tries to ignore Chandler's stares, but I can tell that she is about to break down.

When we get downstairs, I see eight people that I don't recognize.

"Hello, Sherri, Ken," our birth father shakes hands with the adults. The others must be his kids. The little devil child is sitting with another little girl.

Alexander is standing off to the side alone, so Chandler and I walk towards him.

"Luke, Cole, Jack, Clay, Tate, Lilly, Ken, and Sherri, I'd like you to meet the triplets," our mother speaks.

She points to each of us and the woman I guess to be the mother introduces all of her children. One in particular catches me eye. His name seems to be Clay. Clay LaBrant. Chandler and Alexander make friends with Clay and I just sort of stand by myself.

Chandler calls me over and I walk towards the group of teenagers.

Cole and Jack join them, too. Chandler motions me over and a little boy stops me. I think his name is Tate.

"Where's my mommy?" he tugs on my t-shirt.

"She's in the kitchen, sweetie," I tell the small child. He smiles brightly and runs into the kitchen. I continue to walk over to the group of teenagers.

"Hey, Adalyn," Alexander smiles. I smile back and stand back by Chandler

"Adalyn, how would you like to find out your past? They all know about it," he smiles a little deviously. I nod my head and look over to our mother.

"Well, she did keep that but got rid of us. I'd love to," I look at Alexander while I speak.

"Neither, of our parents will be home tomorrow, so why don't you all come over and swim," Cole answers. We all agree and walk together to the dining room.

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The next day

Which bikini? I look through my set. I don't want it to be revealing, so I pick my blue one. I slip it on and a pair of gym shorts with it.

"We're leaving in a minute," Chandler called. Wait, what about that? I guess she'll hang out with Lilly. I walk out and Chandler is standing there in his swim trunks with Alexander, who is in the same apparel.

I drop my towel to the floor for a moment to put my hair in a pony-tail and pick my stuff back up. We walk across the street with our 'sister' running towards a house a couple streets from us yelling, 'Lilly!"

When we get there I'm shocked by how fit these guys are. Like, seriously. I ignore the thought of how hot they look and walk with Chandler to a pool chair, where we sit our stuff down.

"Let's get in the pool before we give out all the juicy details," Clay smiles and jumps in. My nerves are eating me up, but I try to ignore them and jump in after Clay, but not before I remove my shorts. I don't need those wet.

As I'm walking in the shallow end, I feel somebody jump on my back. I look up to see a vampire styled smile. Clay.

"Having fun there, Labrant?" I ask. He laughs and I go underwater to try and get him off of my back.

"Superman to the rescue!" Chandler yells and jumps on Clay from the side. I'm knocked over and I'm submerged into the water. I come back up to see those two fighting and Jack doing a younow and laughing at Clay and Chandler.


"Can y'all stop saying that Clay is bae?" Jack laughs. I get out of the pool and dry off to watch them fight. Instead of watching them beat each other with noodles, I walk to Jack and sit by him.

"Everybody this is Adalyn!" he says and I wave towards the camera.

"Aye, aye, be nice," Jack scolds them. "You're nice Krystal R. I applaud you."

I laugh at his antics and Clay attacks me again.

"CLAY IS BAE!" he yells and the comments say two things.

'Clay is Bae' and 'Clay is not bae' I laugh at the comments and look at Clay as he holds onto my shoulders.

"GUYS THIS IS BAEEE!" Clay yells and kisses the top of my head. I look at him with a stupid face and hit his shoulder.

"I barely know you, Clay," I laugh and push him off.

At that time I get hit in the head with something. When I turn around there's a guy with an egg in his hand.

"Sorry! That was meant for Clay," he exclaims and walks over. Do I know him from somewhere?

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I Found You // Clay LaBrantWhere stories live. Discover now