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Kissed me.

•Stephen's POV•

I felt so many thoughts fall over me in that moment.
Yet it felt like everything had been lifted.

I grabbed Loki's head and pressed it against mine.

I heard his heartbeat monitor getting faster and faster by the second.

When suddenly it slowed back down, and Loki went limp in my arms.
I quickly grabbed Loki's breathing mask and pressed it against his face.
I heard him let out a deep breath.


The rest of that day was pretty uneventful. Loki had been asleep for almost the whole day, it was almost sundown, and I had changed his oxygen supply to a tube in his nose rather than an entire mask on his face just to be on the safe side.
By the end of the day, Loki's face was still a grey-ish color, but his mouth had healed from being ripped, and the vet edges of the wound was now a ring of odd looking scars.

Three days and he had Already healed a bit.

I'm guessing he was right about how he'd heal in a week.

Loki woke up at midnight. I was half asleep, and was still in a dream of me and him.

I heard him yell, "Strange!" It startled me, and his voice somehow was incorporated to my dream, through I don't remember it well.

"Mmmm, Lokiii," I grumbled, as he had woken me up.
I heard him start sobbing, and remembered 'oh right, that happened yesterday.'

I stood up, rubbing my eyes. Now at the side of Loki's bed, I tiredly put my hand on lols shoulder. Loki had been crying into his palms. He flinched the second I touched him, and looked at me though his fingers.
"You're not- y-you're not mad at me?"

I closed my eyes, feeling myself smile. "No, I'm not. Actually, I was hoping you'd do that."
I sat down on my knees and crossed my arms on top of the bed. Me and Loki we're now almost at eye level, Loki being a bit higher than me.

God, his eyes have something about them that make them sparkle when the moonlight hits them.
Loki hesitated, resting his finger on his lips to think. "You wanted me to kiss you?"

I felt a lump in my throat. Shit. Why am I nervous? "L-loki, I-" I swallowed. "Y-Yeah."

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