Falling Up

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•Stephen's POV•
I walked out of a sling-ring and was greeted by the soft silence of the sanctum.
But I didn't see Loki anywhere.

I assumed he had gone out to eat something, as I doubt that he had anything good in awhile.
So I walked up to the door and walked outside.

There was a panicked looking group of people looking at something in the center. I assumed it was a person, as I was hearing sobbing.

One of the group came up to me and asked; "do you know him? He just came out of the building you were in."


I pushed my way through the crowd and Loki was on his knees, his face covered by his palms, sobbing.

I sat down next to him and put my hands around his shoulders. I felt his embrace as he tightly grabbed me.

I picked him up and ran to the sanctum door. I could feel his chest thumping against mine.
I spun and busted the door open with my back, and Loki jumped at the noise.

I put him down on the couch he had been on earlier. He sobbed into his hands, shaking and hyperventilating.
"Loki calm down." I said as calmly as I could.
He looked up at me. His eyes were red and puffy, and his cheeks were wet.
I put my hand on his neck, softly stroking his face with my thumb. Loki put his hand on mine and calmed himself down a bit.
He had stopped crying, but he was still obviously freaked out.
"Thank you, Strange." He said shakily.

He wrapped his arms around my neck and tightly hugged me. He caught me off guard.
I hugged him back and I could feel him shaking.
I stroked the back of his head, and just feeling his back with my hand I could tell he was very thin. I had noticed before, though I had just assumed that had been a side effect of being in prison for however long he'd had been.

Loki's breathing slowed and he stopped shaking as much as he had.
We sat back on the couch and Loki kept his hand tightly wrapped around my wrist. He leaned against my shoulder, and  holding my arm like a toddler would hold their stuffed animal.

"So what happened?" I asked softly.

"I saw him again." Loki replied dully.

"'Him' as in..?"

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