Pitch black

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•Loki's POV•
I saw a bright flash of purple, and all the lights when out. It was pitch black, the cell walls had opened, and I heard some of my prison mates escape.
Well, at least attempt to escape. I heard a blast and everyone went completely silent.

I heard heavy, ominous footsteps.
I stood up, trying to stay as still as I could.
The footsteps were getting louder.

Someone objected, but with another blast and a disgusting noise they stopped.

I heard the footsteps stop in front of my cell. I tried my hardest not to move.

I saw a purple light illuminate a large figure I found so horrifyingly familiar.

It was Thanos.
He eerily smiled. I almost passed out.
He was real this time.

The purple light sort of wrapped around my head, and I felt something lift me off the ground.
I didn't move. I just limply hung there as thanos walked towards me.

I was terrified. I felt myself start shaking.
Thanos stopped right in front of me, his face in front of mine. He smiled and I felt a deep pain in my head. Like someone's fist was crushing it.

And I finally fainted from the pressure.


I felt myself fall against a grass covered ground. I was so weak from cutting and starving myself for a matter of months that I took me a while to push myself up.
There was tall grass all around me. I weakly stood up and looked at the landscape.

He was standing in a golden grass clearing with what looked like a small lake beside him. It was noon as the sun was right above him, and the sky was drowned with clouds. I could see a thunderhead in the distance, but that really want the problem here.

I looked in front of me and clear as day I saw the mad titan. His gauntlet had a purple stone on it.
I staired at him deeply. It was obvious that he could tell I was fearful, but I still tried to keep my pissed-off demeanor.
"So, Thanos, I see you've acquired one of the stones. You still have your heart set on mass genoside?"

"I only mean to balance out this universe, before it all goes to hell." Thanos walked to me, his hand holding my shoulder as he softly spoke.
I glaired at Thanos.

His tone shifted from calm to pissed in a matter of moments. He said, "Alright let's get this over with."
Thanos opened one of his hands to reveal a dagger. He looked at me, smiled, and stabbed the dagger into my side. The taste of blood rushed into my mouth and I felt myself gag.
I was weakening by the second and I couldn't hold my own weight. I fell to the ground, seeing a blur of deep scarlet beneath me.
Everything was getting fuzzy, and my ears had started ringing.

I felt my eyes close and felt myself slowly going unconscious.

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