Gone. Reduced to atoms.

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•Stephen's POV•
We passed the time watching the rest of Stranger Things, and as Eleven and her friends' story ended on a bitter-sweet note, so did ours.

Loki was crying the entirety of the last episode, though I only cried while El was reading the note.

Though I don't think the show was why we were crying.


8:00 rolled around earlier than I had expected, and I sadly walked Loki to the entrance.

We got outside, Loki was leaning against me and half-hugging me.
There was a large back van parked in front of the hospital, and two guards dressed in all back with large guns in their hands started walking towards us.

Loki was trying his hardest not to cry, and I wasn't even trying. He hugged me, and I could feel him shivering as he sobbed.

"I love you loki." I said shakily.
Loki looked up at me, lightly smiled, and nodded.

Loki turned around and held out his fists when the guards grabbed his shoulder. The handcuffed him and Loki walked away with his chin faced up. Loki was forced into the back of the van, and they slammed the doors shut.

I sighed, as that would probably be the last I see of him in awhile. I watched as the van drove out of my sight.

I summoned a sling-ring and walked back into the sanctum. The windows had been repaired, most likely Wong using the eye to reverse what happened.

I walked up the stairs in the center, and stopped at the window. I looked out, thinking.

Loki could be anywhere.
Shield is top secret, they could've taken him to the Avengers tower if they wanted to.

I, again, sighed.

The whole place felt empty.

Loki really wasn't there.

He was gone.

And I was alone.

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