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"Don't move." I stop from getting up, but turn to look at Kakashi annoyed.

"I'm pregnant, you know how hard it is to sit like this?" My words came out hesitantly I wasn't sure what he was going to do, but he seemed as calm as ever. In my mind that made him more dangerous.

I decided I would stand up after all, and it was hard to tell if he even cared.

"What's your real name?" I winced and looked around. He seemed to understand and he took casual hold of my arm like an escort and we began to walk away.

We didn't talk on the walk, but we soon stopped infront of my apartment. Once inside it didn't take long for him to start the questions.

"Tell me."

"Mori, Yuina. Look Kakashi I can expl-"

"Enough." I shut my mouth and realize that I was taking this a bit too lightly. This is Kakashi Hatake, probably the next Hokage to the village, and right now, to him, I am a threat to this village. I give him a nod in understanding and wait for him to make the next move.

The birds sang normally and the sun shine was as it always was. This was a day I might always come to remember, no. I will always remember this day because Kakashi had both out lives in his hand right now and I had said everything I needed to say. If Kakashi truly thinks I am a threat I can only beg for the life of my child.

"Come with me, appear normal, and don't try to escape... for your own well being."

"Only the guilty run." I say confidently with my head held high, but he made no notion that even heard what I said.

We walked down the center of town, and on two separate occasions a shop owner called my name and waved to me. I decided to act as normal as I could and waved back to them, but really it was difficult. I glance down at my stomach and place a hand ontop of my extended belly.

"Enter." I look up to see we are at an apartment building, and I really had been so caught in my own thoughts that I hadn't even noticed the distance we had traveled. I usher in and with a quick glance around I saw that I was inside of his own appartment. "Take a seat. I am going to tell you what will happen next." I nod and quietly do as he says. I look up at him, he was not sitting himself. "You will stay here. I will put a jutsu on this place so you cannot leave. And the second the new Hokage comes forward I am to report you to them and they will decide what will happen with you." I frown.

"You don't want at least hear my explication?" I ask seriously.

"I would not be able to listen and form my own opinion at this time. As I am thoroughly biased." It is now that I sincerely became scared of what might happen to us.

"How long will it take for the new Hokage to arrive?" He simply didn't answer, and in reality it made sense I was not a citizen to him, I was a spy.

The days quickly became weeks and I could only sit and wait for my judgement. Kakashi did tell me it was Naruto who was looking for the new Hokage after I asked him wouldn't people notice I was gone.

In my spare time I practiced hand signals, and even cooking. Kakashi took all the knives away, so I had to get creative and sharpen my chakra extention. I ensured Kakashi I would not attack him as I would not risk harming the baby.

Kakashi did allow the doctor to come in every once in a while to check up on the baby. The excuse he used was he didn't feel comfortable with me being home alone now that my main visitor had left the village, and now as I grew larger it was more of a chore to move around and do everyday things. The doctor ate it all up and ensured Kakashi he was doing the right thing, but to make sure I got exercise.

Then the day came. Kakashi and someone besides the doctor enter the apartment, two strangers, both woman. At this point I was half way through my seventh month, so it really was getting harder for me to move around.

"So. Tell me why I shouldn't lock you up and throw away the key, girl."

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