That's what happened

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We all sat inside the monument for what seemed like forever. It helped that a couple mothers around me chatted me up about my baby. They gave me tips and tricks, and asked about the father.

"Oh no, he's not in the picture." A couple of them immediately told me that I should come around and have tea with them. It was nice having the distraction. Children ran around me playing tag, and we all carried on conversations. I made my way through the room chatting others up. When asked if I wanted to rest I simply stated that I was feeling a bit antsy and just needed exercise and fresh air.

Eventually we were allowed out, but we're given horrific news. Many had died in the attack including the Hokage. I could only stare down at the ground in complete shock.

The funeral came and went, we were and are all distraught. If only I could have reported on my situation. Maybe then I wouldn't feel so alone as I am now.

Just after the funeral I felt something familiar, a presence that I would never forget. It didn't take me long to realise it was actually the feeling of Itachi in the village, how? I'm actually unsure. Maybe it was luck again. I had been getting a lot of that recently. I knew that if I were to bump into him it would have to be the perfect accident. I needed to talk to him. I was feeling a bit lost all of a sudden.

I walked down the street feeling closer and closer to him, and on my way I saw Asuma, and Kurenai. I gave them a friendly greeting and mentioned something about getting some ori from the store ahead. I asked if anyone would like to join and after they politely declined so I walked off by myself.

Really it seemed to be the perfect crime, I didn't use to be this good at lying, you know. When I was younger I would have this incredibly big tell of laughing or smiling whenever I even attempted lying. My parents found it pretty funny, but I was always annoyed and wondered how they knew I was lying. Then one day they told me, and I felt so incredibly betrayed by myself that I tried not to laugh for a whole week. Of course, I didn't last two days.

I walked around the corner of the tea shop and order my ori. I took a couple bites of it and went to sit down when I pretended to trip just in front of their table. Of course Itachi was there with a hand to ensure I didn't really trip. I give an apology and looked down to see that I'd dropped my ori. All according to plan, I've become quite the little actor.

"Let me get you another one." Itachi tells me. "Here, sit." He places me down at a table next to his and is soon back with another ori.

"Really you didn't have to go through all the trouble." I say placing a hand on my swollen stomach. "It's just this pregnancy brain. I'm always forgetting how to do things. Like walking apparently." I give a little laugh, and take notice of Kakashi and company getting closer to the tea shop.

"How far along are you?" Kisame asks me.

"I'm almost six months. Did you know he can hear now? And sometimes he gets hiccups and bounces. Ah!" Suddenly the baby kicked, and I quickly moved Itachi's hand over my round stomach. "Here feel." I was told the baby would react to an increase in my heart rate and there having Itachi's hand on me, on his baby, made my heart race a thousand miles a minute, and it showed through the increase of kicks he gave me.

"He?" Itachi asks while looking and feeling my stomach kick. I nodded, feeling as if I was full with whatever it was I felt I had been missing. I had glanced over and seen kakashi and them stoping infront of the tea shop just then.

"Any names yet?" Kisame asks while glancing over at Kakashi and them. I shooked my head. It wasn't true, but I felt we didn't have time for that conversation.

"Not yet, but I was thinking something traditional. I don't suppose you know any names!" I laughed loudly and I let go of his hand to stand up. As much as I hated myself for it, but I didn't want to act suspisious. I knew Kakashi knew something was up with the two besides me. "Well, it was nice meeting the two of you." I give them a little smile and get up slowly. "And thank you for the Ori again."

"Shisui, is a good name." I hear behind me, I turn around and give a puzzled look with the smallest hint of a smile.

"Shisui?" I gave a thoughtful look and hummed a bit before giving a big smile and leaving the shop. I walked passed the group with Kakashi as if I hadn't seen them and went to the shop next door which had some flowers on display. I gave them a wiff and stayed there a bit studying them. I took notice in Itachi and Kisame walked behind me followed by Asuma and Kurenai. I gave it a couple more seconds before I turned to follow them, but before I could a hand was placed on my shoulder. I jumped a bit and turned around with a slight frown.

"Hotaru, nice to see you again." Kakashi gave a closed eye smile while Sasuke didn't seem too angry today but not exactly happy either. "I was thinking about lunch, would you mind keeping Sasuke company for me? The both of you can have lunch together." Sasuke scowled a bit, that was news to him I was sure. But before either of us could protest he was gone in a poof of smoke.

"Not a guy to beat around the bush I see." I mumbled, then my stomach gave an awful load growl. "Hey hey hey, I just fed you!" I gave my stomach a light pat, and wondered to myself if I was talking to the baby or my stomach.

"Come on, I know a place better than this down the road." I looked up surprised that Sasuke was still there. He must have taken pity on me. He started walking away, but stopped to wait for me. I didn't need to be told twice.

The meal was pleasant, but was spent in mostly silence. He didn't talk and I was too busy thinking about how it went with Itachi to remember to talk. Sasuke must have been feeling really guilty though since he was actually the one who started our little conversation.

"How are you feeling?" The question was forced, and we both knew it.

"I'm worried. I've been told it was Orochimaru who attacked us..." I glanced over my shoulder quickly and lowered my voice. "With the Hokage gone.. and the dreams."

"You're still having dreams?"

"Not since I've been taking the pills, what does it matter though. Seeing my baby dead in that man's hands will never leave my memory. It will stay etched to the back of my eyelids." I sighed, the conversation wasn't meant to get real, but once it was out I couldn't stop myself.  "I've been training.. against my doctors wishes. Training for the purpose of protecting my family. He's a threat to us, Orochimaru. I can feel it."

"Naruto told me about the jutsu you preformed in the arena." I looked up from my plate of food surprised. Naruto had been around? I don't remember seeing him. "He told me that you scared him. He shouted your name and was afraid you would get hit." He didn't seem to be all that impressed, he looked away and stuffed a small tomato from his salad into his mouth.

"Oh, I wasn't thinking right. I saw the smoke and ran as fast as I could."

"Kakashi sensai agrees that you've grown in ability." I blushed suddenly. Kakashi thought I was getting better? I wanted to cover my face out of embarrassment.

We finished our meals and that was when I figured I would walk home. I hoped Itachi had come by my place, but he hadn't. I looked for a clue or perhaps a note, but still nothing.

The next day I figured I would go and pay my respects to you. I hadn't placed down any flowers before at the funeral, and figured this would be a better time.

"I mean look at me, no one wanted to see me this big bend over and struggle to put the flowers on the ground.. so that's everything Third Hokage. I know you can't reply to me now, but it felt nice telling someone about everything."

"That was quite a story." I stiffened at the voice behind me. In my traditional position it was impossible for pregnant me to move to see who it was, but I knew the voice.

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