Naruto the strange one

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I looked back at the young blonde with wide eyes, I panicked for a full couple seconds before relaxing. He was a child, there was no way he could have anything against Itachi. He might know his brother, they might be the same age, but even then we prepared for this with the fake identity. We had no reason to be scared right now, and everyone would find out eventually. I'd show eventually. I slowly nodded my head and waited for his next move. My heartbeat pounded in my ears.

"So you have a baby inside you?" He looked at me in amazement, and then down to where my hand was on my stomach. "Does it move? How did it get in there? Is it a boy? Do you have a name for him?" I sighed happily and allowed myself to relax. He might be a strange looking ninja, but he was very clearly a child.

"Um that was a lot. But no I don't have a name for them."

"Them? There is more than one?" I chuckled.

"No, only one. But I don't know if it's a girl or boy yet." He seemed to think about this thoughtfully, but then remembered something.

"Ah! You can't remember your house number!" I sucked in air between my teeth also remembering.

"I know it's on the second floor." He nodded again thinking thoughtfully.

"Well, we have the key let's try them until we find it. And we know that one can't be yours cause it's mine, and the one at the end can't be yours becuase it's Sasuke's. He's my teammate!" I nodded while listening and looked at the other possibilities.

I tried to ignore the fact that he said the name Sasuke, it was a common name afterall?

That meant that there were fifteen more to look at. He took the key from my hand and smiled.

"You can sit down if you want to rest. You look really tired, you must have traveled from a long way."

"No no no, please this is my fault. At the very least I'll join you in trying." He smiled widely and headed for the nearest door.

He stuck the key into almost seven doors, and all the while he told me about the first and only time he left the village. How he faught this guy named Zabuza and met a kid named Haku, and how Kakashi sensai got really hurt. His story was only intrupted when someone opened the door he was trying to fit the key into. We laughed nervously, and then tried to explain our situation. That's when the old man became even more angry and shouted that the number was on the damn key. Then proceeded to slam the door in our faces.

We had a good long awkward laugh that quickly turned into hysterical laughter while we walked down to the door just a few doors down from his teammate's.

"Do you want to come in? I mean, I don't have anything but what's in my backpack. But I have a bit of money I could take you out for bbq or something you like? ....As a thank you?"

He gave me a brilliantly bright smile and nodded. We walked into the place, and just as I thought there wasn't much. A bed, fridge, oven, and table with two chairs all in the same room. The bathroom was separate and had a standing shower with a sink and toliet. But there was no food, toilet paper, toothbrush, or any of the other essentials. Which was fine with me, the village wasn't running a hotel after all. This was housing for people who had no where else to go. Which brought up questions about Naruto and his teammate.

I was able to take two minutes to put my few belongings where I wanted them and then turned back to the boy.

"My name is Hotaru Taki by the way." I told him as we were walking down the road in the center of town. I was allowing him to lead as I had no idea where anything was.

"Ah, I'm Naruto Uzumaki, I'll be the Hokage one day! You better believe it!" He said cheerfully.

"It's really nice to meet you Naruto."

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